The Summer term is on us already and there are lots of exciting activities planned for all children in school. The weather is unpredictable so please send your child in for all eventualities. Thank you.

Woodlea Junior School

Alien Invasion at Woodlea

Alien Invasion at Woodlea Junior School?

During the night there have been strange happenings at Woodlea Junior School. On opening the school, Mr Bonney, site supervisor, realised that something was not quite right.

Outside on the playground: there appeared to be parts of something mechanical, moon rocks were located in the quad and different wires, of varying lengths, were close to the trees. Once inside the school, this scene was similar: classes had had work ripped from the walls, there were unusual footprints along corridors, prints on the windows and walls, strange goo dripped on desks and windows and in one of the classes, the chairs had been arranged in a circle, however the chairs were alternately faced in or out.

Mrs Shorrocks, the Head Teacher, contacted the Police and Forensic teams to see if they could shed any light on these happenings. Areas were secured with police tape and forensics took the necessary evidence that they required.

As the children came into school, they could obviously see the tape and much of the evidence that was left in school. An emergency assembly was called to make sure the children knew that they were safe and to share what had been seen and their thoughts.

Mr Payne, a year 6 teacher, had contacted the news desk to inform them of what had happened, he was then forwarded a video clip of some strange light over the area the previous night.

Mrs Shorrocks asked the children to be ‘Woodlea Detectives’ and collect as much evidence as they could. During the day, in classes, through investigating the evidence further, discussions and planning the children have been asked to write reports about their experiences and what they have seen.

Morgan one year 6 pupil said ‘It’s very mysterious as to what has happened last night in our school’.

Olivia also commented, ‘It’s been fun and exciting, yet strange at the same time’.

Frankie, summed the day up by saying ‘It has been thoroughly enjoyable and we have still managed to produce some really good school work’.

Mrs Strickland, Assistant Head, ‘It has been a fantastic day and the children have been investigating the strange occurrences all day’.

Mrs Whitehall, Assistant Head, ‘It has been absolutely brilliant to see everybody so motivated to write and report on the ‘Supernatural’ evidence at our school’.

The children have all been fully engaged in the day and have been keen to participate in being reporters.

Thank you to everyone involved.
