The Summer term is on us already and there are lots of exciting activities planned for all children in school. The weather is unpredictable so please send your child in for all eventualities. Thank you.

Woodlea Junior School

Latest News

  • Harvest Celebration

    Thu 27 Oct 2016
    Thank you for all the donations to school. These have been delivered to The Leyland Food Bank by the children and Mrs Quinn.
  • Homework at Woodlea

    Thu 20 Oct 2016

    Homework at Woodlea


    Dear Parent/Carer,


    Firstly, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the large number of parents who returned our homework questionnaire. The response was great and the information and opinions, which you provided, have helped us enormously to make significant changes to how homework is run at Woodlea.


    A significant majority of you were keen to see homework activities online in addition to regular homework on paper. As a result of this, we have decided upon the following.


    • Children in all year groups are expected to read regularly at home, learn spellings and times tables.
    • Online and written Maths and English homework will be set on alternate weeks ( online one week , written the next)
    • The creative project homework will still run over the course of the term.


    The online content will be using ‘Purple Mash’ mainly for English and a subscription-based website called ‘Sum dog’ for Maths (This is an online service which has a wealth of maths games that adapt to the child’s level of ability and track their progress).


    We are aware, from the survey, that some families have limited access to ICT and so to overcome this we will be continuing to run homework club weekly. Here, children will be able to use the school computers / ipads to complete their homework as well as receiving support from our teaching assistants.


    It is our hope that by simplifying and making our homework more focused and interesting we will be able to encourage all of our children to continue their learning outside of school.


    Thank you again for your continued support


    Norman Payne

    Curriculum Leader

  • Sponsored Times Tables

    Thu 20 Oct 2016

    Sponsored Times Tables

    Tuesday 8th November


    On the 10th November 2016, Woodlea Junior School will be hosting a ‘Maths Day’, with a wide variety of interesting maths challenges taking place throughout the day in school.


    In the build up to this event, we will be running a ‘Sponsored Times Table Competition’, throughout the school. Children will firstly compete on their own, with 60 questions ranging from 2 – 12 times tables. They will then compete against classmates, where a winner from each class will be decided. On the ‘Maths Day’ itself, the finalists from each class will compete to win a prize. To make sure this is a fair competition there will be different questions for each year group.


    It would be fantastic for the children, if you fully support them in this competition with your encouragement and sponsorship. This money will go towards new maths equipment for each class, which will enable all children to access it during all maths and theme related lessons. Additional money raised will go towards a subscription to ‘Sum Dog’. This is a fully interactive maths programme, which will be used in school and all children will get their own personal log in, to be used at home as part of their homework.  


    It was clear from the homework questionnaires that many parents and guardians felt as though homework should be more IT based or fun and this will go a long way to making positive changes for the children. For those without access to the internet at home, homework club will have access to Sum Dog each week so the children won’t miss out.


    Please complete the sponsorship form overleaf and return it to school by Tuesday 8th November at the latest. Any sponsorships will be greatly appreciated and we thank you in advance for your continued support.


    Jillian Shorrocks


  • October Birthday Lunch

    Tue 18 Oct 2016
  • Parents Evening - October 2016

    Thu 13 Oct 2016

    Dear Parents


    13th October 2016




    We would like to invite you to Parents’ Evening on Wednesday 26th & Thursday 27th October 2016.  This will give you an opportunity to come in, look at your child’s work in class and speak with the class teacher as to how your child has settled into the new school year and how they are progressing. You can also share information which may be beneficial to the teacher. 


    If you are unable to attend parents evening, please contact the class teacher, or myself, and we will be happy to make an appointment at a more convenient time.


    During the evening there will be Teaching Assistants available in classrooms. This will be an opportunity for you to speak with them and see which strategies are used in maths and how additionally you can support your child at home.


    We will also have lap tops set up in the Nurture Room, for parents to complete a short OFSTED Parent’s View questionnaire. All your responses are confidential and go direct to OFSTED.


    Sarah Beardwood, our Family Support Worker will be in attendance during the evenings. She will be able to offer advice, support and direct you to relevant agencies who help with behaviour, budgeting, adult learning, to name but a few.


    There will also be a ‘Pop Up Pharmacy’, where pharmacists will be available during the evenings to advise and suggest treatments on common and reoccurring ailments.


    Could you please fill in the tear off slip and return to school asap, as appointments are given on a first come, first served basis.


    Yours sincerely


    Mrs J Shorrocks


  • Lancashire Bake Off!

    Wed 12 Oct 2016
    Mrs Leggett and Mrs Lunn were busy baking cupcakes for today's themed lunch, 'Lancashire Bake Off'. There were an additional 30 children, who had a school lunch today and they all thoroughly enjoyed it!
  • Bag 2 School

    Wed 12 Oct 2016
    Thank you to all the parents and children who donated their old clothes to school. Bag 2 School will weigh in the clothes and give the cash equivalent to the school. Thank you to Mrs Stott for organising this. She is mum to Holly in year 4.
  • Little Princess Trust

    Fri 07 Oct 2016

    All of the Woodlea Family are extremely proud of Ellise, who had 12 inches of her hair cut off. She did this to support the Little Princess Trust. Her hair was sent off to the charity who make wigs for little boys and girls who have sadly lost their own hair through cancer treatment.

    Thank you Ellise!

  • Bacon Butties at Woodlea

    Wed 05 Oct 2016

    The first Wednesday of each month, Mrs Leggett and Mrs Lunn sell 'Bacon Butties' to the staff and children.

    Yet again today there has been a great uptake.

  • Theatre Visit to Chitty, Chitty Bang Bang

    Mon 03 Oct 2016

    Dear Parents,


    We are extremely happy and excited to announce that on Wednesday 21st December 2016, we are taking the whole school to The Lowry Theatre in Manchester, to watch the matinee performance of ‘Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang’.

    As you can imagine, the planning for such a visit takes months and the tickets were purchased in May of this year.  The full cost for the visit, including theatre tickets, transport and insurance will be fully funded by Woodlea’s PTA.

    As this is a matinee performance, we will be returning to school later than the end of a regular school day, at approximately 6pm. However you will receive further details, including departure and arrival times in due course.

    I am sure that you will agree that this is an amazing opportunity for our children.

    Thank you for your continued support,


    Jillian Shorrocks and Woodlea’s PTA
