On behalf of all the team at Woodlea, I would like to wish you all the very best for the year ahead!

Woodlea Junior School

Autumn Term - Anglo Saxons and The United Kingdom

This term we are looking at the Anglo-Saxons and how they came to settle in Great Britain.


In English we are looking at Legends of The British Isles and we have already read Finn MaCool and the Giant's Causeway, The Legend of Bedgelert, Maud and the Dragon and many more. We have just started to write our own independent legends. Check our our amazing work below!  


We have also been writing persuasive texts to the council all about climate change.

We were inspired after an assembly all about climate change. We decided to write letters to our local council to persuade them to take some actions against climate change. 

We have been using our Art skills of printing to make some Anglo Saxon gift bag designs ready for our Anglo-Saxon day! We were inspired by the work of Albertch Durer and Andrea Buttner. 

We have started to think about how we can improve our mindset from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset, by adopting more positive ways of thinking especially when it comes to challenges in work. Take a look at some of the activities we have been doing to understand and develop our own growth mindsets! 

Here we are with string to show how new connections are made in our brain.

After having protractors introduced in maths to measure angles, we worked in groups to draw lots of crossed lines and measure the angles that we created.
We heard a rumour that satellites had picked up some things in our school ground. After an archaeological dig, we found some amazing historical items. Some of them from the Anglo Saxon times!