On behalf of all the team at Woodlea, I would like to wish you all the very best for the year ahead!

Woodlea Junior School

Rhino Class 2014 / 2015

Welcome to Rhinos (4R)!

Rhinos is one of the year 4 classes at Woodlea. They are taught by Mr Payne and supported by Mrs Hafiz and Mrs Cook.

This term our theme has been 'Hunted'. We have imagined that we were shipwrecked on our school field. As scientists we explored our environment to see what flora and fauna we could find. We used identification keys to classify bugs and also learnt how to forage. We learnt that we could eat nettles (even though they didn't taste of much!) As artists we explored the art of Australian Aborigines. As programmers we developed our skills using Kodu and programming apps such as 'Hopscotch' to make games that involved hunting. You may want to practice your coding at home by downloading Kodu. It's free and lots of fun!

In English we have learnt how to write an argument and hold a debate. We have also learnt about folk tales. We read a variety of texts such as Anansi and the turtle, Jabuti the tortoise, Raven, Tiddalik the frog and How the Koala got his stumpy tail. We then wrote our own folk tales to explain how different animals became the way they are.


Here are some examples of the work that we have been doing about states of matter.


Between the 18th and 22nd May we held our very own 'British week' where we explored what it means to be British. In year 4 we learnt about British landmarks, artists and money.
We wrote information leaflets about some of Britain's most famous landmarks, created Union Jack shape poems, made paintings in the style of David Hockney and Maggi Hambling and learnt how to solve word problems involving pounds and pence.


On the 5th March we went to Preston North End to see six great authors tell us all about their books and why reading is so important. 5000 children were there and some were even dressed as their favourite book characters.
The authors were, Steven Butler, Jonny Duddle, Danny Wallace, Frank Cottrell Boyce, Cathy Cassidy and Cressida Cowell.

As you can see from the photos we had a fantastic time and some children from our school even got to meet Cressida Cowell and get their books signed!

4R Newshounds!

As often as possible children from 4R will add news about what they have been doing in school, this is some of our latest news...

"We saw Danny Wallace and he was talking about putting poo in his neighbours pockets. It was really funny! Cathy Cassidy was the next one up and she said she really liked Alice in Wonderland. Everytime at school she said she would wear an Alice in Wonderland costume." Regan

"Today we went to Preston North End for World Book Day. It was so crowded we thought we were going to get crushed!!! " Ellise"

"We met Jonny Duddle he lived on a real pirate ship. He was a very good drawer he drew a parrot in about 2 minutes and it was extremely detailed." Ellie

"We went to the 'biggest world book day show on earth' we listened to some authors. It was fun but we had to sit down for ages!" Freddie

Have you seen the Kids' Zone? Play games, and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites!
