Our vision for Computing at Woodlea
At Woodlea our vision for Computing is for all children to leave their primary education being not only confident digital users but, more importantly, content creators.
We understand the world in which we live in is changing at an astonishing rate. As a result, it is crucial to prepare our children for a society which is becoming more and more reliant on the use of computing. Our Computing curriculum allows children to develop skills in finding, exploring, sharing and presenting information. We also focus on developing the skills necessary for children to become responsible, respectful and competent users of information and communication technology. We expect all teachers and learners in school to become confident users of ICT. This will enable them to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding to be confident, creative and independent learners.
Information technology is present throughout our curriculum and children are encouraged to become producers of digital content, rather than just consumers of it. Computational skills are taught in discrete computing lessons where teachers use the scheme 'iLearn2’ to support their planning and delivery of the subject. In using this scheme children will be provided with a relevant, challenging and enjoyable curriculum for all pupils which meet the requirements of the National Curriculum. Furthermore, children will be encouraged to use ICT and Computing Science as a tool to enhance learning throughout all areas of the curriculum.
In following National Curriculum for Computing we aim to ensure that all children will be able to understand and apply the fundamental principles of Computer Science, including logic, algorithms, data representation, and communication. They will be confident in analysing problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems. Following this, pupils will be able to evaluate and apply information technology. Ultimately, children will be well rounded, responsible, competent, confident and creative users of Information and Communication Technology.
In Year 3 this term, children have been learning about a computer and the keyboard. They have used touch typing software to practise using the correct fingers for the correct keys. Putting their skills into practice, they have written a story in a word document, ensuring that they use the correct keys for capital letters and other key punctuation. Year 3 have also focused on the importance of keeping safe online, creating avatars they could use in their character's profile.
In Year 4, children have been using Keynote to create a presentation that they have linked to their science curriculum. They had to design their presentation first before adding in special effects and transitions.
In Year 5, children have been learning how to program using a variety of different websites and software. They have used Turtle Logo to create their own wrapping paper design.
We have been the extremely lucky recipients of 30 Micro-bits, given out by the BBC. Here are our Digital Leaders testing them out before we use them throughout school next term.
PCSO Tony and PCSO Roy from Lancashire Police came to talk to the children and staff at Woodlea about keeping safe online. They spoke about online accounts, personal information, the use of social media and what they could do if the children could do if they saw/ heard something that they didn’t like. All the children and staff enthusiastically joined in and learnt lots of essential information.
Parents were also invited to a ‘drop-in’ session with Tony and Roy and could speak to them about keeping safe online.
At Woodlea, we believe that keeping safe online is extremely important and we have now updated our curriculum to ensure that online safety is taught across all year groups, linking to real life contexts that are relevant to our children.
On Friday 10th March, all the children at Woodlea participated in ‘Internet Legends Day’ which was hosted by Google and Parentzone. The day started with a live, interactive assembly which got us all thinking about how we stay safe online. The children then has the opportunity to take part in a carousel of activities which focused on the five main areas of online safety; Be Sharp, Be Secure, Be Alert, Be Kind and Be Brave.
The day ended with an assembly, which parents were invited to, which showcased all of the fantastic learning that had taken place throughout the day. It is safe to say that children, staff and parents all learnt something valuable which they said they would use in the future to help them stay safe online.
Progression in computing at Woodlea
We have just appointed our new Digital Leaders for the new academic year. Please take a look at our Digital Leader page for more information.