I hope that you are all having a good Summer break and are looking forward to the year ahead. I am particularly looking forward to welcoming our new children to Woodlea and developing our school family further. We start back on Tuesday 3rd September when the gates will open at 8.45 am. Please use the designated entrances: Y3 /. 4 on Woodlea Road and Y5 / 6 on the school driveway. Mrs Shorrocks

Woodlea Junior School

Snow Leopard's Amazing Writing

​​​​​​For our first English topic, we looked at Legends of the British Isles and made our own. Here are some of the wonderful legends that we have made. 
We were inspired after an assembly on climate change so we decided to write persuasive letters to our local council to persuade them to take action and help Woodlea fight climate change. We have not yet heard anything back, but will update this page when we do :)
In English we have looked at the story of Oliver Twist. We enjoyed acting out various scenes to understand how different characters felt and what kinds of things they were thinking. We then went on to plan an alternative ending for the story. Have a look at our Dickens inspired work!
We then turned our alternative ending for Oliver Twist into a play script to be acted out. 