We have had a very busy and exciting start to the new school year. There has been some amazing activities taking place leading to our children learning lots!

Woodlea Junior School


Wow! What a fantastic year for Pandas. The children have grown in confidence and knowledge ready to embark on their Year 4 journey. They have all been an absolute pleasure to teach and we wish them all lots of luck for the next academic year. Have a lovely summer and we look forward to our return in September. Miss Platts, Miss Ryles and Mrs Grose. 

I hope you all have a fantastic Easter and it has been a pleasure to teach your children and work with you all. I will leave you in the great hands of Miss Ryles and Mrs Grose for the Summer Term. There is lots planned, such as play scripts for English and Fractions in Maths. The History will cover the Ancient Egyptians and hold our very own Ancient Egyptian Secrets Day. Science will cover light, dark and reflections in Summer 1 and move onto plants in Summer 2. Thank you for all of your continued support.


Miss Platts.

Yet another half term has passed really quickly. The children are continuing to grow and learn. Their attitude and love for learning is incredible and second to none. Next half term will be just as busy. In English we will be learning about the Iron Man and in Maths, we will be looking at money and time. In Geography, we will be looking at Artic Alaska. 

Myself and Mrs Grose thank you for your continued support and we hope you have a lovely half term break.


Miss Platts.

Good morning, homework has now been set for Edshed after the technical issue was resolved. Apologises for the inconvenience. 
Miss Ryles

Spring Term Newsletter

Our Class Governor is Tim Coterall.

Wow! What a great first term we have had in Panda Class. The children have worked incredibly hard with everything that they have been given to do. We have made great progress on our presentation of work using cursive handwriting. After Christmas, we will be looking at Further Multiplication and Division in Maths, using our Maths No Problem. In English, we will be writing our own fables. Our new History topic will be diving into the Bronze and Iron Age. We hope you all have a lovely Christmas and we can’t wait to see you all in the New Year.

Miss Platts and Mrs Grose. 

Welcome to Panda Class. Miss Platts is the class teacher and Mrs Grose is the teaching assistant. We have lots of new and exciting things planned for the Autumn term. Please check our termly newsletter for any updates and Seesaw for letters home. 
Thank you for your continued support, any queries or questions please don’t hesitate to contact the school office. 

Enrichment - Stone Age Day


Y3 Termly Newsletter

Developing DT skills

Sports day

Emotional mapping - Geography Summer term

Visit to our local Christianity Church

Egyptian Secrets Day

Coronation Celebrations

Science - testing non contact and contact forces 💨✋🧲

Team Building in the snow ⛄️

DT - Bread Making

Scoot Safe

Testing magnets 🧲

Working Scientifically testing different surfaces

Bridge building for Design Technology

Science - animal skeletons!

Christmas Jumpers!

Stone Age Day

Rock Hunt - Science!

Football ⚽️

Military School - Survival!

European Day of Languages

Our very first trip to the library 📚

Our fabulous Pandas settling in well and enjoying our endangered afternoon doing lawn darts 🎯🐼⭐️

Weekly awards
