On behalf of all the team at Woodlea, I would like to wish you all the very best for the year ahead!

Woodlea Junior School


Hello and welcome to Orangutans class!


Welcome to the Summer term - your children's final term at Woodlea!

This year in Orangutans class, Mrs Astbury is the class teacher. Mrs Beaumont is our class teaching assistant.

Please take some time to have a look at our website page, find out what is happening during the year and have a look at what we have been up to so far!

SATs Information Presentation

Our Learning


We have a jam packed year of learning planned! Take a look below to find out what we will be doing in each term. 


In the Autumn term, we used William Shakespeare’s play Macbeth as a stimulus for our English lessons. From this we wrote writing biographies and stories. We also had the Young Shakespeare Company visiting school to perform Macbeth in October!


During Maths, we worked on fractions, decimals and percentages.  In our arithmetic sessions we consolidated our basic skills using Fluent in Five. 

Within our wider curriculum, our Geography topic was mountains with a focus on Mount Everest. In RE we learnt about Hinduism and the idea of karma. Our French lessons were focussed on clothes or ’les vetements'. We also had a 12 week programme with UK Military School. 


In the Spring term, we used Chitty Chitty Bang Bang as our stimulus text for English. In Maths, we continued our work on percentages as well as working on measure and geometry. 

Within the Wider Curriculum, we had focus on the Industrial Revolution in History. For Geography, our topic was rivers, with a focus on one of our local rivers, the River Ribble. Christianity and Islam were our focuses for RE. In Art, we made our own versions of Lubaina Himid’s ‘Naming the Money’ work. Following this, in DT, we have started work on making bridges after looking at existing designs. For French, our topics have been daily routines and transport. In PSHE, we have learnt about how the media can influence people. 


The summer term looks to be just as busy as Autumn and Spring!


Within our English unit, we have been using Shaun Tan's picture book, The Arrival, for our stimulus for writing. We will then be moving on to read Ross Mackenzie's Nowhere Emporium. From these books, we will be producing a variety of written pieces.


At the start of the summer term, in Maths, we will be working on consolidating our learning to support with our KS2 SATs. This consolidation will draw on a variety of maths objectives. 


In the wider curriculum, our History topic will be World War Two, with a focus on the role our local area played. In Summer 2, our final Geography topic will be a fieldwork study of Leyland. In RE, we will cover our final unit on Christianity as well as learning about Buddhism. In Art, we will be making our own WWII inspired medals, using casting. For STEM, we will be taking on a project based on robots. For our French lessons, we will be learning about sports as well as French celebrations. 



Homework is set each week on a Friday. It is due the following Friday. Homework club is available to all children on a Tuesday until 4.15pm.


Homework due date: Friday 31st May 


- minimum 4 reads in your reading record (2x Reading Plus and 2x reading book)



- 10 Garage and 10 Studio on TTRockstars 




Weekly award winners

Our endangered animal fundraiser - board games afternoon

Pond dipping in Science

Our work with UK Military School

Our visit to Manchester Museum

Drumming with Mr Bennett

Still image for this video

Christmas Party Day

Our STEM Rollercoaster

Still image for this video

Our visit to the British Commercial Vehicle Museum

Yoga Session with the YOGI Group

STEM Challenge #RoadtoRIAT

Sports Day with UK Military School

Our visit to the Buddhist Centre in Preston
