On behalf of all the team at Woodlea, I would like to wish you all the very best for the year ahead!

Woodlea Junior School


Year 6 Termly Newsletter

Welcome to Chimps.


Chimps class is taught by Mr Payne and supported by Mrs Quinn.

In our class we believe that 'work made fun - gets done'!

We enjoy learning in a variety of ways including: reading, writing, trying things out, embracing our mistakes, using hands-on resources, learning outdoors and in locations such as museums.


Summer term 2020/2021


This term we will be investigating the key question:


Leyland - what did you do in the war?


Within this unit, we will be looking particularly at how the events of the Second World War impacted the lives of people in our local area. We will be looking at evacuation, air raids, rationing, industry, propaganda and commemoration across a range of curriculum subjects. We will hopefully be talking virtually to people who experienced WWII and aim for the children to present their learning from the topic as a ‘video diary’ in character as either an evacuee, ARP warden, Land Girl or Home Guard. These videos will then be made available on our school YouTube channel.


In English, we will be working with ‘classic fiction’ and reading ‘Chitty Chitty Bang Bang’ by Ian Fleming. We will then be writing our own Chitty adventure. After this we will be looking at stories with flashbacks and linking this to our learning about wartime evacuation.


In Maths, we will be developing our knowledge of key mathematical skills and mastery of mathematics. This will be done through following the very popular and effective 'Maths No Problem' scheme, which is an adaptation of the 'Singapore Method' of teaching maths and its focus on the development of mastery through learning via a sequence of concrete, pictorial, abstract exercises.







Visit from the local ARP Warden

Making one cubic metre to measure the volume of our classroom

Our art work - casting our WWII medal designs

Our design technology project - load bearing structures

Our team-building enrichment afternoons.

Meet the teacher 6C - Mr Payne and Mrs Quinn

Still image for this video

Archaeological dig


Today ( 15th September 2020 ) we performed an excavation of our archaeological dig area. We had received a ‘geophysics report’ from Professor Alice Roberts which identified the possible location of some Tudor artefacts on our site. With scrapers and paintbrushes in hand, we located the co-ordinates and began to carefully dig away the soil. In total we found six objects and our next step is to identify them.
