On behalf of all the team at Woodlea, I would like to wish you all the very best for the year ahead!

Woodlea Junior School


Final Message

Wow! The end of an era. I have been lucky enough to teach excellent Elephants over the past two years. It has been incredible to see how much they have grown since they joined me back at the start of Year Four. I am immensely proud of the progress they have all made during the time but more importantly, I am proud of how much resilience they have shown during a period that nobody could have ever foreseen. I know these children will continue to go from strength to strength and I look forward to seeing them all returning in their blue jumpers next year as role model prefects. Thank you for your support over the last two years, Mr Scott and Miss Wilson.

End of Summer Term

As we come to the end of the summer term, I must celebrate the fantastic work that the children have done this term. In our English, we created some incredible legends that were based on the story of the Hero Twins (linking to our history). We have been exploring geometry and shape in Maths. During our Science lessons, we have been looking at life cycles. In humanities, we have been studying the rainforest. To end our unit of work, the children created a fantastic ‘Biome in a Box’. 

Military School Taster

Elephants got a taste of what is to come on Wednesday as they had Wayne from Military School, who put them to the test with a challenge much like they will be doing during their programme. They had to use teamwork, problem-solving and communication skills to solve the problem that they faced.

Library Visit

It was excellent to be back at the library after so long being away. The children were so excited to be able to go in and choose their own books. Please remember to bring the books back for our next trip along with any other books that you may have at home. Our next trip there will be on Monday 11th January.

Military School Surprise 

To finish off our special week, we were treated to an afternoon with UK Military School. They put on lots of fun activities for us, including a slip and slide and a tug of war with Leopards class. It was a fantastic treat that was thoroughly enjoyed by all!

Chester Zoo

Straight back into the action this term! As part of our enrichment for our topic on Rainforests, we visited Chester Zoo. We had some fantastic workshops all about the rainforests where we learnt about their location, the levels of a rainforest and the effects that deforestation is having on them and our planet. I was really interesting and informative. To accompany the talk, we had some engaging activities where we looked at skulls, discussed classification keys and thought about designing our own animal that would be suitable for the rainforest. 

Of course, we couldn’t go to the zoo without seeing the animals! We saw (just to name a few) the lions, penguins, orangutans, flamingos, otters, giraffes and most importantly, elephants! Check out the pictures below!

Summer 1


Another great term flies by! This term, we have been busy reading the book Journey to the River Sea from which, we have created some fantastic writing based on the plot of one of the chapters. In our Maths lessons, we have been looking at Geometry and position and movement. 


In our Wider Curriculum, we have been learning about the Ancient Mayans in History. Our Science has been focused on life cycles and this will continue after the half term. We have been looking at artwork created by Yinka Shonibare and have begun to create our own sculptures based on his work. 

Queen's Jubilee Day

We had a brilliant day celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. Elephants' decade was the 90s. We dressed up in our best 90s gear and sang our hearts out to Wonderwall in assembly. We thoroughly enjoyed our picnic that was made by Mrs Legget and Miss Wilson (even if it was a little bit windy!). 


For the day, we created a piece of artwork in the style of Georges Suerat who was a French artist and a key part of the pointillism movement. The children drew an image of Her Majesty and created the image by carefully using dots of colour. Check them out!



End of Spring Term

Two-thirds of the year through! The year just seems to disappear. Another busy term full of hard work and great perseverance. We have blasted into space in our first half term, creating some fantastic writing based on the story Space School Blast off and creating an information text all about planet Earth. From there, we zoomed back in time to Paris,  where we met the mysterious boy, Hugo and his automaton. We read and thoroughly enjoyed the story and crated a new extract of the story; creating our own character and automaton.


In Maths, we have worked hard to conquer fractions, decimals and percentages. It has been tough but the class have shown wonderful perseverance and determination in their learning.


In our Wider Curriculum, we have continued in British history, learning about the Viking raids and about what happened in the run up to the Norman Conquest. In Geography, we've looked at the map of different maps of Britain (including relief maps) in addition to pictures to think about why the raiders and invaders chose them specific sights in relation to their physical geographic features.


Sadly, our swimming lessons have come to an end. All of the children have been a credit to themselves in these lessons and have made create progress in their swimming. Well done to all the children. 


All that is left to say is to have a lovely and safe Easter holiday and to recharge for our exciting Summer term.

Mr Scott and Miss Wilson 

Dog's Trust

We were very lucky to have a visitor, Andy, come to talk to us about staying safe around dogs. It was an interesting talk and the children learnt about how it is important not to assume that all dogs are friendly and learnt how to act safely around dogs that they may not know. 

Worden Visit

As part of our Science topic this term, we visited Worden Academy to learn about explore pulleys. We learnt that by using a pulley, we are able to lift a heavier mass with a smaller amount of effort. Working scientifically, the children explored how changing the number of strawberry laces in our pulley would affect the mass that we could lift.

Working Scientifically

In Science this second half term, we have been working scientifically to explore forces. We have been identifying independent, dependent and control variables within our experiments and completing experiments three times. We have done this to make our experiments more reliable. 

World Book Day 2022

We had an excellent day on World Book Day celebrating all things reading. Our class book focus was ‘Where Once We Stood’, by Christopher Riley and Martin Impey, that was a link to what we have been learning about our topic of Space during our Science lessons. Taking inspiration from our book, we wrote some Moon themed poetry and created animations to display them. Check them out below! We enjoyed a very funny quiz written by Mrs Astbury where we had to work out which member of staff had been mixed with which famous or infamous book character. As always, the costumes were fantastic, thank you for all the hard work that went into them!

Space Poems

Still image for this video

South Ribble Football Festival 

Elephants got a visit from South Ribble Sports Partnership who gave us a football workshop where we worked on developing dribbling skills. 

Bikeability and Bike-fix

Elephants were very lucky to complete bike fix training and their Bikeability course. South Ribble Active Travel joined us to teach the children how to repair our tyre if we are unfortunate enough to get a puncture. The following week, they came to take the children through their Bikeability course, which teaches the children how to ride safely when they are on the roads. All children did brilliantly well. 

Welcome to Spring Term in Elephant class. 

Welcome back, I hope you are safe and well. 


In English this half term, we're learning about Science Fiction Stories. The children will be reading and analysing different Sci-Fi texts with the aim of writing their very own. Following this, we will be creating an information booklet that will explain our learning in Science. 


In our Maths, we are using the Maths No Problem scheme of work and will be working on fractions on our return.


Our wider curriculum will follow on from the Autumn term on Anglo-Saxon England with a study of the events surrounding the end of Anglo-Saxon rule and the beginning of the Norman period in 1066. We will consider the impact that this has had upon our culture today.


We are very lucky to have swimming this year, this will take place on a Monday afternoon, our PE day is Wednesday. Outdoor PE Kit is recommended as the weather turns colder, however, please ensure that children do have indoor kits as well.


Children must read at home a minimum of four times within a week, this can include Reading Plus. Books will go home on a Friday and must be returned on the following Friday. Reading records must be signed by an adult.


Mr Scott and Miss Wilson 

Saxon Day

As historians term, we have been learning about the Anglo Saxons. We have looked at where the Anglo Saxons came from, why they came and what they did when we settle in England. We have used a range of sources, both primary and secondary to inform our understanding. The children have looked at how the Anglo Saxons settled in England and the heptarchy in anticipation of learning about how it changed following the arrival of the Vikings and then the Normans. 
We have learnt about Sutton Hoo and its importance as a historical source for changing the beliefs that people formally had about the Dark Ages. We have also looked at what life would have been like for Anglo Saxons, including the kind of settlements and houses that they lived in. 


To finish our unit of work, the children showcases their knowledge during our Saxon Day where they worked in groups to present their learning to the other classes in the school. They experienced making Anglo Saxon style bread and listened to Saxon stories of Beowulf. Thank you to all the children for their hard work and thank you parents/carers for you hard work on the children’s costumes. 


What We Have Been Up To

Autumn Term has been a whirlwind, it feels like we’ve blinked and it is over. That’s not to say that we haven’t worked our socks off everyday creating some fantastic work! This term we have been looking at the story of Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. The children creating have written some incredible chapters of a story based on the characters that we have looked at in Dickens’ novel. We have looked at play scripts and have created our own scenes written in script format. 

In Maths, we have been tackling multiplication and division, it’s been tough but the children have showed immense resilience and perseverance trying their best to master the difficult processes. 

As scientists, we have been looking at different properties and materials. We have been in investigating their properties; looking at how we can setting them; all whilst working scientifically. We have been creating prints using lino, taking inspiration from Albrecht Dürer and Andrea Büttner’s impressions of the nativity scene. In PE, we have been developing and working on dynamic movements in gymnastics. 



Project Homework

Take a look at our fantastic project homeworks! Thank you for all of your hard work and time putting them together!



Animal Fundraiser

Thank you for the donations for our animal fundraiser event on Friday. We had a great afternoon playing tennis and football rounders. Many thanks for the donations that will go towards supporting WWF.

Welcome back!


Welcome back to our autumn term. I hope that you are all well and had a fantastic and safe summer. It is lovely to be back with the class after the break and everyone seems to be ready to get stuck straight back into our learning.


This term in our English, we will be looking at legends and then looking at persuasive writing. In Maths, we will be looking at place value up to 1,000,000, addition and subtraction and multiplication and division. 


In the wider curriculum learning, we will be studying the Anglo Saxons. Please keep an eye out for anything that children can bring into school and share about this era. During our Science, we will be learning about properties of materials and states of matter. 


Throughout this year, the children will be going swimming in place of one of their PE lessons. This will be on a Monday afternoon. Swimming lessons will commence on Monday 20th September. It is essential that children have their swimming kits for this that need to include: suitable swimwear (not board shorts), swimming cap and goggles (optional). 


Homework and letters will be sent out on Seesaw. If you have any queries or questions please don't hesitate to contact myself via the office or Seesaw and I will get back to you. 


I am looking forward to another fantastic year with the children. 



Mr Scott
