We have had a very busy and exciting start to the new school year. There has been some amazing activities taking place leading to our children learning lots!

Woodlea Junior School


We are in our final half term of Year 3. I can’t tell you how proud I am of your little Gorillas. We have all worked extremely hard, showing dedication and perseverance towards new challenges.  Summer term promises to be a busy and exciting term, with 28 rapidly growing and developing members of our troop, they will be guaranteed a good day, with Quinn and O’Shea. 


In our English unit we will be exploring Enid Blyton’s Enchanted Wood. We will be writing our own chapter, visiting our own imaginative lands and creating a wonderful adventure story. Within Maths No Problem we will be finishing with shape. In Science we will be deepening our understanding of plants, we will look at how our potatoes have developed and comparing them to other plants. Lastly, we will be exploring Woodlea and mapping our grounds using forest finds and learning how to draw and create a map using our own keys and grid references.


We look forward to sharing our learning with you over the term, please keep an eye on our twitter and class page for pictures and updates.


Thank you for your support.  If you have any queries or questions, please don't hesitate to contact the school office. I look forward to updating you throughout our final term.


Our class governor is Rebecca Dickinson

Summer Timetable 2024

Council Representatives

Weekly Homework

Project Homework Autumn 1

Project Homework Autumn 2

Project Homework Spring 1

Project Homework Summer

Head Teacher’s Award

Dental Hygienist

STEM Stories BAE Academy for Skills and Knowledge

River Nile - Akhet, Peret and Shemu

World Book Day

Book Vending Gorillas

Reading Plus and TT Rock Stars

Disco Dodgeball

Wonderful Easter Treats from Mrs Quinn

P.E - Cricket

Talk for Writing - Hocus Pocus

Baking Bread with Mrs Leggett

Mindfulness Week - Good To Be Me

Bridge Building - Military School

Andy Goldsworthy inspired Volcanic Art

Science in Action - Rocks, Fossils and Soils

Science In Action - Healthy Bodies

Science In Action - Magnetic Forces

Science In Action - Light & Dark

Leyland Library Visits
