On behalf of all the team at Woodlea, I would like to wish you all the very best for the year ahead!

Woodlea Junior School


Our Class Governor is Karen Stephens.

Y4 Spring Term Newsletter

Please read the following information about your child's Multiplication Times Table Check next year.

Year 4 Autumn Term Newsletter

Welcome to Rhino class! Here, you can find home learning, letters and other important information, including what we have been learning about and what’s coming up this year. Please visit us regularly to follow our learning journey throughout the year.

We look forward to sharing key learning opportunities with you. 

Mrs Younis is the class teacher supported by Mrs Stableford.



For this half term in English, we will be writing an Adventure story using the legend of 'The Loch Ness Monster’ as inspiration. For our non-fiction unit, we will become journalists and write our own magazine articles . In Maths, we will be using our exciting Maths scheme called ‘Maths No Problem’ to explore place value, multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100 as well as problem solving using addition and subtraction facts. The scheme of work is based on Singapore Maths and helps the children move from concrete to pictorial and then to abstract learning. 


For our theme work we will be studying The Digestive System. We will look at everything our bodies do to use the food we eat and how different parts of our bodies work together to keep us healthy. 


Reading books will be sent home on a Friday and they will need to be returned each Friday. It is advised that the children must read at least 4 times per week and this must be signed by an adult. Reading plus can also contribute towards a read. This must be logged in your child's yellow reading record along with the percentage that they score and signed by an adult.


Homework will be set online on a Tuesday and will be due in on a Monday. This will either be on Seesaw, TTROCKSTARS, Spelling Shed or Mathletics.


P.E will be taking place on a Thursday and Friday and the correct indoor and outdoor kits are required. Please ensure these are all named.

If you have any queries, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Best Wishes

Mrs Younis

Celebrating Our Hard Work!

TTRockstars Line Up!

We’ve already been working hard in our lesson exploring The Treasure of The Loch Ness Monster in our English lessons and place value in our Maths lessons. 

We had a lot of fun at our Wild Animal Fundraiser. This year we played Rhino Rounders in our bead teams. Mrs Younis even joined in! It was great to be able to start our year with a big team building event like this and Kaycie said she really enjoyed having a go at batting during the game. 

Ukulele in Year 4!

We’re thoroughly enjoying learning about our bodies. We’re experimenting on what different liquids do to the enamel on our teeth by using eggs and six different every day liquids like milk and cola. Aaron is hoping that the cola won’t damage the eggs too much, but he knows that water is healthier so likely will not erode the egg shell as much.

We were so excited to get back to Leyland Library this week. We had a lot of fun last year using the Library and exploring all of their books so we couldn’t wait to get back this year. We were lucky enough to be treated to a story from Paul who works at the Library and helps us when we visit.

Rhinos had an amazing afternoon using our archeological dig site after a survey found there might have been some Greek artefacts left on our school grounds! We worked hard using the tools to dig, scrape and brush the soil and mud away from the artefacts and managed to recover some Greek masks, a wax tablet, some pottery and a spinning top!

Developing and equipping our children at Woodlea with the values and key skills that matter for life! The UK military team worked with our Rhinos to enhance positive learning experiences using our outdoor learning area! The children developed co-operation, team building skills, experience with challenges, perseverance, respect and resilience!

Ancient Greek Day at Woodlea!

Our Year 4 gods and goddesses had an absolutely amazing Ancient Greek life experience! Children decorated their Greek pottery by adding fine intricate designs using acrylic paint, created Greek architecture, shared and retold Greek myths and took part in some Olympic Games ranging from chariot racing, javelin throw, long jump and throwing the discus! Lunch was eaten around the fire, the children acted out the war between Athens and Sparta! Each child was referred to as a god or goddesses throughout the day! 
