On behalf of all the team at Woodlea, I would like to wish you all the very best for the year ahead!

Woodlea Junior School


Summer term 2021


What a blockbuster term! The sun came out. we had another (very brief) period of home learning, and fantastic work was produced in school. In English, we looked at myths and adventure stories, alongside our study of transition and units of measurement in Maths. Our wider curriculum looked at life cycles in Science, rainforests in Geography, and the Mayan people that lived in these forests in History. We continued to study French, Music and PSHE, and in our PE we looked at racket sports. In addition to this, we completed our buddy letters. In Art, we made sculptures in the style of Yinka Sonibare, and on top of all this we recieved our blue jumpers ahead of Year 6! A brilliant term to end an eventful and brilliant year. Enjoy the summer everyone!  

Homework 1/7/2021, due 7/7/2021


Please could all children complete the set lesson on Mathletics about fractions and percentages, as well as their set spelling list on Spelling Shed.


Alongside this, please could children compete 5 Reading Pluses per week. These count towards weekly reads in reading records, and the children are allocated some time to complete Reading Plus in school.

Homework 24/6/2021, due 1/7/2021


Please could all children complete the set lesson on Mathletics about factors, as well as their set spelling list on Spelling Shed.


Alongside this, please could children compete 5 Reading Pluses per week. These count towards weekly reads in reading records, and the children are allocated some time to complete Reading Plus in school.

Homework 17/6/2021, due 24/6/2021.


Please complete the set session on Mathletics about converting fractions into decimals, and the 5 set games on Spelling Shed.


In addition to this, children should be reading 5 times each week. They should be aiming to complete 5 Reading Plus each week, which can count towards their weekly reads. There is time allowed in school for some Reading Pluses to be completed. 

Summer 1

Another super term! Our first full term back after lockdown was certainly an action packed one. In our English we looked at adventure stories and persuasive speeches, alongside geometry and translation in maths. In our wider curriculum, the children really enjoyed learning about the Amazon rainforest in geography and the Maya people who lived near them in history. On top of all this, the work created in art in the style of Yinka Shonebare was absolutely stunning! We also had a Zoom call with Ann Angel to learn all about Judaism. Another super term all in all!

Activity afternoons!

Throughout this term, we have done many fun activities in the afternoon on a Friday. These have included team building exercises, science experiments and den building. The afternoons have been great fun!

Congratulations to this weeks award winners, Olivia, George, Oliver, Paige and Caitlin!
Congratulations to Alfie, Luke, Kiana, Joseph, Ira, Ellie and Sienna, this week’s award winners!

Congratulations to this week’s award winners, Tiffany, Maisie, Luke, Lewis, Ira, George and Sienna!

Congratulations to this weeks award winners, Luke, Lucas, Harriet and Sienna!
Congratulations to this weeks award winners, Emily, Kiana, Oliver and Louis!

Weekly awards

‪Congratulations to this weeks big work winners, Caitlynne and Paige! Well done also to Olivia and George for their PE awards and Sienna for being this weeks top reader! Well done to all!‬


Autumn 2 message


Hope everyone has had a fun and safe half term! A few bits and pieces from myself before the start of Autumn 2 tomorrow. Our friends at WWF contacted us, informing us of how the money raised from our pajama day has helped the conservation of elephants. Our money was spent on helping farmers in Africa farm in more elephant friendly ways, and to help areas affected by lack of tourism because of COVID-19 that normally depend on elephant tourism for money. It is super to see the difference we have made! Also, a big well done to the children that received big work last half term, I cannot wait to see who will win it next! See you all tomorrow,


Mr McCracken

Year 5 Termly Newsletter

Hello everyone,


Firstly a warm welcome to you all from myself, Mr McCracken. I hope this new school year finds you well.

As we are sadly unable to do our normal meet the teacher night next week, this is just a short video from myself and Mrs Rufus introducing you to both ourselves and this years Elephant Class. Our PE days are Wednesday and Friday afternoons, and our topic for this term is A Kingdom United, focussing on the Anglo-Saxons. In English we will be reading The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe as part of a bridging unit between the end of Year 4 and the start of Year 5. In maths, we will be starting our new Maths No Problem scheme of work. The video details our timetable as of Monday 7th of September, as well as arrangements for homework and reading this term, and some of the measures taken in school to help prevent COVID-19. Thank you again for your support.

Elephant Class 2020/21 Introduction

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