Spring 2
Our next unit is 'Super Sleuth' and we will be linking our learning across the curriculum to detectives. Once again, we will be using exciting texts in English to stimulate our reading and writing. We are seeing fantastic progress in English, where children have been 'magpie-ing' ideas from authors to include in their own writing.
This half term we will also be learning about Anglo Saxons and Vikings - who were they? What was daily life like for an Anglo Saxon/Viking? We are really excited about our trip to Clitheroe Castle on Friday 24th February; I'm sure that it will enthuse the children and inspire them to produce some fantastic work around this history topic. .
As well as an exciting trip to look forward to, we are also lucky enough to have a 'Spooks' workshop organised for World Book Day on 2.3.17. Letters will go home about this the first week back.
We hope you all have a lovely break and look forward to seeing you next half term!
Spring 1
For the Spring term our topic is 'Heroes and Villains'
In English we will be reading 'Macbeth' by William Shakespeare (Revised edition by Tony Bradman / Leon Garfield) and basing our work on this. We will be re-telling key scenes from the play.
As scientists we will be investigating the circulatory system, we will be finding out how to keep our bodies healthy through exercise and healthy eating. We will be considering the effects of body heroes and body villains on our health.
As Technologists we will be finding out about the 'Eatwell plate', we will be designing a healthy menu.
Autumn 2
We have only been back a week and already lots of enrichment has taken place - in particular our successful business week last week, where we made £77.85 profit and sold out of all items.
We will be continuing our hard work in all other subjects throughout the autumn term. In English, we are focusing on a new novel, the classic book: War of the Worlds. Children have already done some work around this and will be writing a chapter, inspired by the story next week. This will be followed by writing a review for the War of the Worlds show, which we will watch in the hall.
In maths, we are continuing to look at fractions decimals and percentages, as well as ratio and proportion line graphs and bar charts, and measure - including area and perimeter. As ever, lessons include lots of problem solving and reasoning activities, alongside mental maths starters. If children don't already know all of their times tables and division facts, they need to get practising.
In Science lessons, children will continue to look at animal adaptations, before moving on to studying light. Children really enjoyed learning about Hindhuism in R.E. last half term. As we approach the festive period, children will be studying Christianity as part of their religious education.
Once again, we are looking forward to an action-packed half term of engaging and interesting activities that help everyone make progress.
For Eco week we have studied the habitat in and around our school. We have investigated the quality of habitat for the various creatures that live on our school grounds. We made bug houses using plastic bottles and cardboard rolled into tubes and designed a new wildlife area for our quad.
Stars of the week in Mrs Whitehall's English group:
Thomas and Ciaran
Stars of the week in Mrs Whitehall's English group:
Jack and Lois
Stars of the week in Mrs Whitehall's English group:
Aleena and Braeden
Stars of the week in Mrs Whitehall's English group:
Teagen and Catelyn
Healthy Eating and Football
NSPCC Workshop
Welcome Orangutans!
Welcome back to our brand new Year Six pupils. You must have had a restful summer as you have started the new school year full of energy and enthusiasm.
As you have probably already gathered, there are three teachers and four members of support staff in Year Six. In the morning, you will be taught English (including spelling sessions) and Maths in ability groups led by Mrs Strickland, Mr Payne or myself (Mrs Whitehall). In the afternoon, you will be taught in your class, with Mrs Strickland teaching on a Monday and Tuesday, Mrs Whitehall teaching on a Thursday and Friday and PPA staff covering PE/Spanish/music/PSHE on a Wednesday. Miss Wilson, Mrs Stableford, Mrs Quinn and Mrs Tully will be supporting your learning and delivering interventions over the course of the year.
We hope that you have started the school year filled with confidence and ready to persevere when faced with challenges. We have already seen lots of collaboration happening in class, which is this week's building learning power.
If you or your parents do have any questions at all, please feel free to speak a member of the Year Six team. We are certain that each and every member of Year Six will make fantastic progress this year, and we are all looking forward to helping you fulfill your potential.
Summer 2 - Beside the Seaside continued
Well 6O, here we are - about to embark on our final half term. It has been an absolute privilege so far and I hope you are looking forward to an exciting final couple of months at Woodlea.
Firstly, may I take this opportunity to thank you and your families for your hard-work leading up to, and during, SATs week. You should be very proud of yourselves. Following this, Year Six deserve a huge congratulations for your creativity during business week: you managed to turn £60 into £225 profit. We must certainly have some budding entrepreneurs among us.
Next half term, we will be continuing with our current topic - 'Beside the Seaside'. As part of this, we have arranged a trip to Formby Beach where the Year Six classes can explore all the different aspects of this coastline, whilst putting their learning into context.
With regards to things to look forward to, we also have both Year Six class assemblies and...the grand finale...the Year Six Leavers' Assembly. Over the break, you can begin to generate some ideas for this.
Enjoy the holidays - hopefully we will get a chance to spend some time in the sunshine!
Summer 1 - Beside the Seaside
Where have two terms gone? Here we are looking forward to another exciting unit of learning.
The next unit is entitled: Beside the Seaside. As part of this, we will be learning about the history of seaside holidays in Britain, from the Victorian era to present day. We will look at how seaside towns near us have changed and evolved over the past century. To develop our geographical understanding, we are going to study maps of the UK, so we can learn about where different seaside resorts are in location to other physical landmarks in the UK.
In science, children will be learning about electricity - they will be applying what they already know about circuits to design and make some seaside illuminations. Children will work systematically to record what happens when they change one component of a circuit; they will learn to record their findings using the correct recognised symbols.
Across the curriculum, we will continue to develop and use and apply our reading, writing and maths skills. Children will read about our new topic and produce pieces of writing in context. We will be revising key identified areas in maths and ensuring that we are using and applying in every lesson. Children will also be using their maths skills across the curriculum - timelines, data handling, measuring distances.
During this half term, we have our SATs week, commencing on the 9th May. The first week back will be a 'run through' for children, so they are familiar with the arrangements when the time comes. I know children and families are already working hard in preparation for this. There will be information for parents about timetabling and other arrangements when we are back in school.
We hope you all have a lovely two weeks off school and look forward to seeing you refreshed on Monday 25th April. Thank you to the children for all their hard work and to families for all of your support.
It feels like we have achieved an awful lot in a relatively short half term, including an 'alien invasion' and a very successful Science week - well done everyone!
Our next unit is 'Super Sleuth' and we will be linking our learning across the curriculum to detectives. Once again, we will be using exciting texts in English to stimulate our reading and writing. We are seeing fantastic progress in English, where children have been 'magpie-ing' ideas from authors to include in their own writing.
In Science, we will be using our observation/detective skills in order to classify living things. We will also learn about the famous scientist Carl Linnaeus, who was a pioneer of classification. This half term we will also be learning about Anglo Saxons and Vikings - who were they? What was daily life like for an Anglo Saxon/Viking? We are hoping to have an expert visitor in school to enrich the children's learning in history.
Speaking of visitors, we are lucky enough to have two author visits this half-term: Damien Harvey on 23.2.16 and Sarah Roberts on World Book Day.
We hope you all have a lovely break and look forward to seeing you for more exciting topics next half term!
Well done to all of Year Six for a really successful term - we have all been very focused and made lots of progress. We know that next half term is going to be just as good.
The unit next half term is called - Heroes and Villains. In science, we are going to be learning about some scientific heroes and the contribution that they have made to our world. As part of design technology, we will be discussing food heroes and learning how to design a balanced and healthy plate of food, using some well-know chefs as inspiration.
As ever, our focus novel in English will remain a surprise until the first week back. The children have been so engaged with our previous class readers - Running Wild and War of the Worlds - we are certain they will love the next book just as much. Next half term, we will retell a scene from our new novel and write a poem using imagery. As ever we will be continually promoting reading for pleasure and meaning (comprehension activities). Alongside this grammar, punctuation and spelling will be a daily feature of our teaching and integrated into the units of writing that we are teaching the children.
In maths, we will be continuing to study all areas - number, shape and space, data and problem solving. There is going to be an increased focus on using written calculations to add, subtract, multiply and divide. We are also raising the profile of using and applying, with problem solving being a feature of every lesson in some way. It is really important that pupils continue to practise their times tables and related to division facts, they should also know their number bonds to 10, 20, 100 and 1000.
We would just like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to families for your continued support and we hope you have a really enjoyable Christmas break. See you in 2016!
First of all, we would like to congratulate everyone for a really successful first half term where lots of progress has been made already - well done 6O!
As you know by now, the next half term's learning will be linked to the classical composer: Benjamin Britten. Some of you have already done some fantastic research linked to Britten as part of your homework.
Our class novel is a surprise at this stage...you will have to wait for our big reveal during the first week back. Once again, we will be using our detective skills and the different clues in class to try and work out the plot, setting and themes represented in our new class reader.
Based on our basic skills week, our half-term homework is about improving our mental maths, spelling and grammar skills. There is a sub-page at the bottom of 6O's class page with a range of links to help with your homework, which is due in on Tuesday 3rd.
Hope you have a really enjoyable break - you have worked incredibly hard! I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 3rd November.
Hello and welcome to 6O – Orangutans class.