End of term
And like that, the school year has come to an end! I cannot believe how fast the year has gone! This has been my first year in teaching and it has been an absolute privelidge to teach your children. Through the year I have been lucky enough to build relationships with them and I have seen them all grow so much and I am proud of how hard they have all worked. Thank you personally, for all your support from home, have a lovely Summer break!
Mr Scott
Woodlea's 80th Birthday Party
The school's 80th birthday party was a fantastic opportunity for the children to see a snapshot of what children would have learnt eighty years ago. Some of the activities that the children took part in were: sports and hobbies, 1930s dancing, a 1930s style lesson and the chance to look at some artefacts. The children looked fantastic in their costumes and a massive thank you to everyone at home who helped sort them. Lunch was in the style of a street party and the children enjoyed a spread put on by Mrs Leggett in the kitchen.
Ribchester Roman Museum
At the start of this term the children visited the Roman Museum in Ribchester, Lancashire. It was a great experience for the children to get hands on with some replica Roman artefacts. The children thoroughly enjoyed being able to try them on and touch the objects. They learnt all about what Ribchester would have been like in the Roman times and were able to see the ruins of the granery and the Roman bath house.
The Iron Man by Ted Hughes
During this term we have been using the story of 'The Iron Man', written by Ted Hughes. All the children really enjoyed the book and during the course of the term produced some excellent stories based on the plot of the book and a diary entry from the point of view of Hogarth, one of the main characters in the book. Here is some of the work on our fantastic Iron Man display.
In our Religious Education lessons this term, we have been looking at the Easter Story and the idea of being rescued. We discussed a lot about what it means to be rescued and about how it doesn't necessarily need to be heroic rescuing someone, but can be as helping someone who is upset on the playground. The children did some freeze framing activities for situations where they had been rescued.
World Book Day!
A fantastic effort by all children on World Book Day, with some super outfits. A big thank you to all of the parents for their hard work putting together the costumes.
Science Week
During our science week, we have been learning all about light. We have learnt that a light source is an object that gives off its own light. Such as: the sun, a torch, fire and lightning. We learnt about reflection and how some materials are more reflective than others. Retroreflective materials are materials that reflect light well, therefore we use them in things like high-visibility coats and cat’s eyes. We did an experiment to find out the most which was the most reflective material and suitable to go on a book bag. We shined a torch on the material and observed which was the most reflective. On Wednesday we learnt about sun safety and created sunglasses leaflets about it. Finally, we learnt about shadows and the different types of materials we have. We learnt about that some materials are transparent, some are translucent and some are opaque. We created our own shadow puppets made out of an opaque material so that the light would be blocked from travelling though.
Gymnastics in PE
The focus of our PE lessons this half term has been on gymnastics. The children has been working on the specific skills of travelling, balancing, rolling and jumping. The 5 weeks culminated in some fantastic displays in our last lesson - well done Pandas!
Panda Class' busy day!
Last Friday, Panda Class were very lucky enough to see two fantastic Science shows. In the morning, Adrian came in to talk to the children all about light and the different types of materials that we have.
Then, if that wasn't enough Science, the children had a talk from Mrs Tonks and her son about all of the fossils and rocks that they had collected on their travels. The children were fascinated at how old the rocks, they were holding were!
Christmas Party Day
After a half term full of hard work it was only right to celebrate with a fantastic Christmas party! A big thank you to all of the adults who donated sandwiches, cakes and the rest for the party. The children had a a great time! Take a look at what went on:
Importance of exercise presentation
Panda and Gorilla class were lucky to enough to have a special presentation from Miss Owen about the importance of exercise. The children learnt lots of new facts and information about the benefits of exercise. Did you know? That exercise releases endorphins in the body that makes us happy. The children did an experiment to see the effect that exercise on the heart.