On behalf of all the team at Woodlea, I would like to wish you all the very best for the year ahead!

Woodlea Junior School


Summer, Summer time is here.

We have learned so much and grown a lot in this School Year!


I have watched your children learn and grown and change from day to day.

I hope that all the things we've done have helped in some small way. 

So it's with happy memories, I send them out the door.

With great hope and expectations for what next year holds in store!


I wish you all the very best for the future. Have a wonderful Summer.

Mrs Younis

The Romans invaded Woodlea Junior School on Friday 7th June 2019!


Year 3 children have been studying  about the Romans so to make this topic exciting and memorable the children took part in an educational Roman Day in school organised by Mrs Younis and Mr Scott. The children spent the day learning about life as a Roman and took part in many fun activities throughout the day. It provided a wonderful opportunity for the children to discover exactly how the Romans survived everyday and all about the Roman invasion, including the battle against Boudicca! In the morning, the children created shields, cooked Roman bread and created wax writing tablets. Later on in the day, the children took part in a testudo formation and were able to march using their shields to protect themselves from another tribe trying to battle against them. To add to this amazing day, the children shared and discussed the different food eaten by the Romans and were able to try olives, pancakes, honey, vegetables, fruit, bread and olive oil at lunch time. All of the children thoroughly enjoyed this day and had a fantastic day - take a look at what took place!

Business Week Sale

Business Week sale

3G took part in an exciting business week last week, where they created products using craft materials and then sold them to the whole school.

We are proud to announce a huge total of £32.65 profit was raised by the children. What a fantastic amount – Well done Gorillas.


                                Planting with Mrs Quinn

The children went out with Mrs Quinn to plant some strawberries in the year 3 planting bed. 

Scoot safe! Year 3 took part in scooter safety training called ‘Scoot Safe’ by South Ribble Borough Council. The lesson was delivered by South Ribble Borough Council Bike Ability staff and the aim of the day was to improve children's confidence and stability whilst riding their scooter. Children were supervised at all times and they all had great fun!

World book day 2019!

Thank you to everyone for another successful day. The children all came dressed as a book character to celebrate World book day on Friday 8th March 2019! The day was filled with exciting reading activities for the children to participate in. Take a look at some of our wonderful book characters!





During this last week, we have had a fantastic science week. Our topic has been 'Light and shadows'. We looked at different sources of light and developed a great understanding of shadows.We then tested different materials to see which would allow light to pass through and which wouldn't. We also looked at how and why shadows are formed and tried to create larger shadows and smaller shadows.

Erupting Volcanoes

A huge thank- you to all the children who created a volcano. Some of the children used bicorbonate of soda, mentos and vinegar to allow their volcanoes to explode. The children were able to explain the different layers of the volcano and what was pouring out when it erupted. 

Stone Age Day!

In Year 3 we have been learning about the Stone Age as part of our history theme this term. To bring this era to life, we organised a Stone Age day in school, which was filled with great activities for the children to participate in. We spent the day teaching the children about different aspects of life during this time. 

It provided the children with an exciting opportunity to discover exactly how life was during this period. The children were asked to take part in an archaeology dig, where they had to dig and search for stone blades and arrowheads. They created shelters in the orchard using sticks, created bracelets using stone beads and managed to enter a cave and then used charcoal and drew on cave walls. During lunch time, they had the opportunity to sit around a fire that was lit by Mr Grose and eat their lunch. 

The children had a tremendous day, leaving them all with imperishable and indelible memories. 

Take a look at what took place.



As part of our exciting curriculum, we were studying and learning about Healthy Humans. To make this very engaging and exciting for the children, we decided to take them to the Eureka National Children's Museum, on Friday 16th November.

The day was focused around a workshop called "From the Chew to the Poo", an interactive presentation about the journey of food when it enters the body until it leaves the body as waste. The children also had the opportunity to view and explore the museum. The children had a tremendous time and thoroughly enjoyed the experience! Take a look at what went on!

Welcome to Woodlea Junior School.

We hope you had a lovely Summer and are ready to start your exciting and adventurous journey in the Juniors with Mrs Younis (Class teacher) Mrs Smith and Mrs Eccles (Teaching assistants).

A very warm welcome to the Year 3 website page. Here you will find pictures, fantastic work and weekly homework and spelling lists.


Our first topic this half term is "There's No Place Like Home!" The children will be investigating their local area using maps, aerial photographs and satellite imagery. They will learn where they are in the world and describe a range of physical and human features of their locality.  A special visitor from the Leyland Heritage Centre (Peter Houghton) will be paying a visit to share some great historical facts with the children about Leyland- making links between and across periods, such as the differences between clothes, buildings and transport. 


P.E sessions will take place on a Monday and Tuesday. Please ensure P.E kits are in school at all times. Each item should be labelled clearly with your child's name.


If you are unsure of anything or would like more information, please do not hesitate to ask at the main office for Mrs Younis. 


