I hope that you are all having a good Summer break and are looking forward to the year ahead. I am particularly looking forward to welcoming our new children to Woodlea and developing our school family further. We start back on Tuesday 3rd September when the gates will open at 8.45 am. Please use the designated entrances: Y3 /. 4 on Woodlea Road and Y5 / 6 on the school driveway. Mrs Shorrocks

Woodlea Junior School


Year 4 Termly Newsletter

Rhino Class 2020 - 2021


Rhino End of Year Update - Summer 2 


Wow! Rhinos we have made it to the end of a busy but brilliant year. I am so incredibly proud of the progress you have all made and the resilience you have shown. We have ended the year having to revert back to home learning but as always, you have adapted and persevered with any challenge you are faced with. 


Enjoy looking back through our class page at all the AMAZING things you have achieved this year Rhinos... 

Water Poems

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Rhino Update - Summer 1


This half term the children have been incredibly busy in Rhinos and as a result, have made wonderful progress. 


In English, the children have been looking at the fantastic story 'The Mousehole Cat' which is set in a quaint Cornish town. After studying the text, the children then created their own marvellous stories based on the plot. Following this, the children then went on to write an explanation text about The Water Cycle which they have previously explored during our spring term. 


In Maths this term, we have been persevering with fractions and the children have absolutely blown us away with their incredible work with decimals.  


In our wider curriculum, we have started our topic of the Romans. We have researched the different climates of Italy and the UK and their location on the world map. We've studied the Roman invasion of Britannia and why they wanted to invade; looked at artefacts and used primary and secondary sources. 


In Science, we have been looking at and investigating sound. We've investigated how sound is made, the effects distance can have on sound and worked scientifically using data loggers in our investigations.


In RE children have been learning all about Ramadan in Religious Education. We have studied why they celebrate it, how they celebrate it and its importance as a Pillar of Islam.


In Computing the children have been creating their own digital music using Isle of Tune and used iMovie to present their final tunes. 


The children have worked incredibly hard this term and images/videos of our learning can be found below.


Stay safe and see you after the half term. 


Mrs Archer and Mrs Stableford 

In English this week we have been looking at poems and came across The Fall of Rome by Paul Perro. As part of our Roman day, the children were transported to Rome and did some wonderful performance poetry! Watch the video below…

The Fall of Rome

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After hearing all about the Ancient Roman testudo (tortoise) formation used by the Roman Legions during battles, the Rhinos tested it out and bravely marched against Mrs Bane and Mr Smith.

Testudo (tortoise) Formation

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Sunshine by Ellie and Jacob

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Sunshine By Evie and Lily

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Send to the Stars by Luke and Evie D

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Rhino Update - Spring Term


The Spring term has been a unique one to say the least! Having spent the majority of the Spring term completing home learning, the strength and resilience of the children has, once again, left us feeling so incredibly proud. Please take a look at some of the wonderful things the children have been doing during home learning and back in school...

Rhino Update - Autumn 2


Autumn 2 has been absolutely brilliant! With the children feeling settled, they have all made wonderful progress and have made us feel so proud! Please take a look at some of the wonderful things the children have been doing during their second half term in Rhino Class...



The children couldn’t be any more deserving of some Christmas fun after such a brilliant first term!

Carol Service

Katy from St Andrews did a wonderful job opening the Carol Service. The Rhinos prepared a reading of the poem 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas' by Dr Seuss. They also worked incredibly hard learning Makaton sign language for 'Let it Snow'. What a wonderful contribution Rhinos! 

Carol Service

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In our English lessons, the children have created some brilliant folk tales based on the plot of King Midas. Following this, the children have written a discussion text debating 'Should women have been educated in Athens, Ancient Greece?'


In our Maths lessons, the children have been exploring multiplication and division. They have been using a range of maths resources to solve problems and have been investigating to spot when number facts are commutative and found inverse operations to find fact families. 


In Art, the children have been learning about drawing in proportion. Using this knowledge, we looked a Ancient Greek vases and the scenes painted on them in preparation for creating our own. 

Endangered Rhinos Autumn Update 


After the success of our Animal Fundraiser afternoon, we have now received our adoption pack and update from the WWF. It is wonderful to read how our support has helped endangered Rhinos around the world. 

Rhino Update - Autumn 1


Autumn 1 was a huge success so please take a look at some of the wonderful things the children have been doing during their first half term in Rhino Class...



In our English lessons, the children have created some brilliant stories based on the plot of 'The Treasure of Loch Ness'. Following this, the children have created some non-fiction magazine articles about their own mythical monster. 



In our Maths lessons, the children have thoroughly enjoyed learning with the NEW Maths No Problem scheme. Already, we are hearing more mathematical conversations, the children are showing a deeper understanding of numbers and they are using a wide range of different methods. 


In Science, we have been learning all about teeth and the human digestive system. We have undertaken a range of experiments to deepen our understanding. First, we did our 'Eggcellent Experiment' where we found out about taking care of our teeth. Following this, we discovered what happens to our food from the moment it enters our mouth to the moment it passes from our bodies with our 'Chew to the Poo' experiment. 


The Rhinos kicked off our Ancient Greece topic by working on an archaeological dig site and excavated some exciting artefacts. Following this, they have been researching these artefacts and have been finding out more about the Ancient Greeks. We are very excited to learn more about them in Autumn 2!

RE Virtual Visit

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Sponsored Rhino Run

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Project Homework

Meet the Teacher

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Welcome to Rhino Class 2020 - 2021


Hello! Welcome to another school year at Woodlea! We are delighted to have all of the children back in school and can’t wait to get stuck into our learning this year...


Important information about your child's learning has been shared below and the information will be updated regularly. We will also be sharing all the amazing things we get up to in the Rhino class - so please keep an eye out for updates.




Mrs Archer is the NEW Rhinos class teacher and she will be assisted by Mrs Stableford. They will be in class every day supporting our learning. 

In English this half term, we will be completing a bridging unit based on the story of the Loch Ness Monster. It aims to cover skills missed in Year Three and will be incorporating Year Four learning.


In our Maths, we are excited to be starting the Maths No Problem scheme of work and will begin by looking at counting and place value.


The focus of our wider curriculum for the Autumn Term will be Ancient Greece. Geography and History lessons will cover the location of the country, what life was like in Ancient Greece and how Greek society has impacted on our daily life.




If your child is in the Rhino class, you will be sent the details to access your child’s SeeSaw account. We will be sharing updates, letters and our work via this platform. Due to the current guidance, our open door policy is restricted but if you have any concerns, please message via SeeSaw and Mrs Archer will be able to assist you!




Homework will be set on Wednesday to be returned on Monday. It will set through Seesaw online. Homework club will be on a Thursday after school until 4pm where children can access iPads and staff support. You do not need to sign your child up for homework club. 





Our PE days are Monday and Friday. Please make sure your child’s PE kit is in school. We will be doing as many PE lessons as we can outside. Therefore, if you want to send an outdoor kit (tracksuit top and pants) you may. Please note, kits will be kept in school until the half term when they will be taken home.




Children must read at home a minimum of four times within a week. Books will go home on a Monday and must be returned on a Friday. Reading records must be signed by an adult.

