On behalf of all the team at Woodlea, I would like to wish you all the very best for the year ahead!

Woodlea Junior School


Our Class Governor is Fiona Fish.

Please read the following information about your child's Multiplication Times Table Check this year.

Summer Term Summary

What a great summer term in Year 4! We are so proud of the children in Tiger Class, who have come so far! We have made great memories, had fun and gained lots of new knowledge.


We began the term by creating our stories with a theme based on 'The Mousehole Cat' and we then created poems based on our experiences in Tiger Class. In maths, we have been working on decimals and measure. All the children have shown amazing resilience and perseverance, a huge well done! 


Our earthquake topic has been fabulous. We have been learning about tectonic plates, the richter scale and recent earthquakes around the world.

In science, we have been learning about states of matter. We explored solids, liquid and gases and we worked hard to observe and fair test.


Take a look at the photographs below for a glimpse into what we have been doing in Tiger Class. Many thanks for the continued support. We hope that all of our families have a wonderful summer break. 

Our School Councillors, Reader Leaders, Eco Council Representative and Digital Leaders

Welcome to Tiger Class


Welcome back to Woodlea, we are so impressed with how well the children have settled in to Tiger Class. Well done to all the children for their effort in our endangered animal fundraiser and many thanks to all the parents/carers who donated. We can already tell this is going to be an amazing year. Miss Martin is the class teacher for this year, supported by Miss Wilson and Mrs Grove. 


This term in English, we will be exploring the story of the Loch Ness Monster. First, we will be working towards writing our own adventure narrative. Then, we will write a magazine article reporting information about the Loch Ness Monster. 


For Maths, we will be following the Maths No Problem scheme of work and we will begin the year by looking at counting and place value. Mental maths will also take place daily. 


Our wider curriculum topic for the Autumn term will focus on Ancient Greece. During our Geography and History lessons, we will be investigating what life was like in Ancient Greece and how Greek life and achievements have influenced the western world. 


PE lessons will take place on Thursdays and Fridays. Please ensure your child has the correct kit (red Woodlea t-shirt, plain black shorts and plain black pumps). Outdoor kit (black tracksuit top, black pants and trainers) is also encouraged. Kits will be kept in school untill half term. 


Updates, letters and work will be shared via your child's SeeSaw account. Details of how to access this can be found in the back of your child's reading record. We also have a class Twitter page, please follow us: @TigerClass1


Homework will be set on a Friday to be completed by the following Friday. It will be set online, through SeeSaw. Homework club will take palce on a Tuesday after school until 4.05pm, where children will have the opportunity to access iPads and staff support. In addition to homework set, children must read at least 4 times per week. This can be a combination of books and Reading Plus. Books will go home on a Friday to be returned by the following Friday. Reading records must be signed by an adult. 


Scroll down for a glimpse of what we get up to in Tiger Class!

Endangered Animal Fundraiser

Identifying our incisors, canines, pre-molars and molars!

What a great Ukulele lesson!

European Day of Languages

Super science - observing over time to find out what different liquids can do to the enamel on our teeth and comparing toothpastes!

Archaeological dig - finding Ancient Greek artefacts!

Trip to Leyland Library

Football and maths - what a great afternoon!

Military school!

Nutrition Mission!

Our chew to poo model of the digestive system!

Tasting ingredients for our Greek salads!

Working with a REAL potter! What a great morning!

Ancient Greek Day

Creating Greek salads in DT

Pond dipping - identifying living things in their habitats

Creating our own static electricity!

Exploring mark making and designing our oriental prints!

Testing conductors and insulators of electricity

Exploring how coasts can help to power the UK!

Working as archaeologists to dig up Roman artefacts!

Investigating sound!

Ribchester Roman Museum

Carving our Roman Busts

Lego Stop Motion Workshop

The best sports day ever! Thank you Military School!
