We have had a very busy and exciting start to the new school year. There has been some amazing activities taking place leading to our children learning lots!

Woodlea Junior School


Please see the attached letter re; Costumes for 'We'll Meet Again'.

Please see the attached letter re: Height and Weight checks for children in Year 6 on Monday 12th June

Please see the attached letter re: Year 6 'Moving Up Day'.

Please see the attached letter re: PSHE in year 5 and year 6

Year 6 Letter re: World War Two 'Evacuee Day' Monday 15th May

Our Class Governor is Adam Gornall.

Welcome to Chimps 2022/23


Welcome to all our new Chimps! This year, Mr McCracken will teach the class, and Mrs Smith will be supporting. Curriculum information and homework updates can all be found here.

Spring Newsletter

Amendment to Role Model Prefect Status

Spring Term Curriculum


In our English lessons we will be using the Shakespeare play Hamlet as our stimulus for writing. 

In Maths we will be continuing to use the Maths No Problem scheme. 

Our history topic for this term is the Industrial Revolution, alongside rivers and the water cycle in geography, Islam and Christianity in RE, model making in art, bridge building in DT and electricity and the circulatory system in science.


Good afternoon everyone,


Homework for next Friday is for the children to continue learn their lines for the play, and to complete 4 reading pluses at 80% or above. If there are any questions, please ask either myself or Mrs Astbury.




Mr McCracken


Weekly Award Winners

Well done to our weekly award winners!









Summer Term Highlights

Our summer term has seen plenty of action! Take a look at the highlights, including the play and our residential.

Spring Term Highlights

Have a look at some of our Spring Term highlights! These include our RE, history, geography, English, our trip to Manchester Science and Industry Museum and even some snowman building!


Autumn Term Highlights

Have a look at a small snippet of some of the highlights of this Autumn Term!

European Day of Languages


We have had a great European Day of Languages here in 6C! We have tried Scottish food, learned Gaelic greetings, mapped the counties of Scotland and taken part in our very own highland games.

Endangered Animal Fun Run


Endangered animal fundraiser all done and dusted! Some great ‘save the chimps’ posters to accompany our fun run.


Y6 Termly Newsletter
