On behalf of all the team at Woodlea, I would like to wish you all the very best for the year ahead!

Woodlea Junior School


Welcome to Chimps!


Chimps' class is taught by Mr Payne and supported by Mrs Quinn. We like to work hard but also enjoy ourselves ; work made fun - gets done!



Whilst we are not physically in school at present, we are still working hard at home. Our current topic is all about World War Two and the impact that it had on Lancashire. Our teachers have adapted their approaches to make sure that we can still learn plenty about this very important time in our country’s history.


We are continuing to work hard in all areas of the curriculum and enjoying trying new and unusual ways to learn. Below are some examples of the great work we’ve been doing whilst in lockdown.








As part of our learning about Tudors, during the Autumn term, we investigated Tudor cooking. We found out that 'pottage' was a common food and that 'spiced hot chocolate' was also popular as a result of discoveries made by explorers in the 'New World'. We tested some brand-name soups and also nutmeg, cinnamon and chilli flavoured hot chocolate. This then led to us making our own 'pottage' and 'spiced hot chocolate' which we sold to our parents at our Tudor cafe in December. 



We also made 'text adventures' using the programming language 'Scratch'. These games were loosely based on the challenges that may have been faced by Tudor explorers. Click a Tudor rose to try one of the games.








 In Autumn term we learnt about Tudors and the 'Age of Exploration'. These photos show the archaeological dig that we did in the school grounds, where we unearthed a variety of Tudor artefacts.




