On behalf of all the team at Woodlea, I would like to wish you all the very best for the year ahead!

Woodlea Junior School


Please see the attached letter Re: PSHE in year 5 and year 6

Our Class Governor is Anne Hartle.

Summer Newsletter

Welcome to the Autumn Term!

This year, Elephants class will be taught by Mr Scott and Mrs Rufus will be supporting in class.


Please see our termly newsletter to see what we have planned for the term. If you would like to speak to Mr Scott, please contact the school office. 


In our English lessons, we will be beginning looking at Legends of the British Isles. In Maths, we will be continuing with Maths No Problem, beginning with place value. 


In our history, we will be learning about the Anglo Saxon invasion of Britain. 


Animal Fundraiser

We had lots of fun raising money for the WWF. I was surprised at how much fun the children had throwing cold wet sponges at me! Thank you for all of your donations. 


Mr Scott

UK Military School

We had a visit from Wayne from UK Military School. Unfortunately, the weather kept us inside but that didn’t stop us having out team work, communication and problem solving skills to the test. In teams, we completed a challenge to work out which items we’d need in order to survive in a desert. 

European Day of Languages

We celebrated European Day of Languages on Monday, it was a fantastic opportunity to learn about and celebrate different cultures. In Elephants, we learnt about Italy. We learnt about the country; a few basic phrases and then we made our own pasta. It was great fun even if it was a little bit messy! 

Football and Maths

Elephants enjoyed our visit from the Football Development team. Our focus was on Maths this time. The children thoroughly enjoyed it an we were able to apply our prior learning from maths to the activity.

Anglo-Saxon Experience 

As part of our wider curriculum enrichment, we had our Anglo-Saxon experience. We spent the day out in the outdoor area. We create a Saxon-style pottage stew and had a go at milling grain using stone as the Saxons would have done. The results of the pottage were tasty... However, we need a little bit more practice at the milling if we want some bread with our stew. Following our stew-making, we created a Saxon ship in the forest area. In the afternoon, we studies jewellery the Anglo-Saxons would have worn and created some of our own out of clay. 
Thank you for all your hard work on the costumes. It was a wonderful day.


Lion King at The Palace

We were lucky enough to go to see a performance of the Lion King at The Palace in Manchester. It was a fantastic day out. For many, it was the first time going to the theatre. We must wish Mrs. Shorrocks and the fundraising team the biggest thank you. 


End of Autumn Term

Just like that! The autumn term is completed. It doesn’t seem like five minutes since the children were starting in September in Elephant Class. Within the term, they’re all grown academically and socially. We have lots of hard work! In English, we’ve created, legends, stories with historical settings, persuasive writes and play scripts. While in maths, we’ve tackled place value, addition and subtraction and finished the term on multiplication and division. In our wider curriculum, we’ve learnt about the Anglo-Saxons, who ruled England after the Romans departed in 410AD. We have done about the United Kingdom in geography learning about the features of our country; the farming patterns and the growth of towns and cities in the UK. During science, we studied and worked scientifically to find out about the properties of materials. In art, we have done printmaking on lino. We’ve learnt about guidance in Religious Education, studying Christianity and Islam. 
Just like that! The autumn term is completed. It doesn’t seem like five minutes since the children were starting in September in Elephant Class. Within the term, they’re all grown academically and socially. We have lots of hard work! In English, we’ve created, legends, stories with historical settings, persuasive writes and play scripts. While in maths, we’ve tackled place value, addition and subtraction and finished the term on multiplication and division. In our wider curriculum, we’ve learnt about the Anglo-Saxons, who ruled England after the Romans departed in 410AD. We have done about the United Kingdom in geography learning about the features of our country; the farming patterns and the growth of towns and cities in the UK. During science, we studied and worked scientifically to find out about the properties of materials. In art, we have done printmaking on lino. We’ve learnt about guidance in Religious Education, studying Christianity and Islam. 

 Mr Scott and Mrs Rufus

Spring 1 Term

The days are becoming light again... Spring is just around the corner, and Elephants have been hard at work this term as usual! Despite the shortness of the term, we have been creating sci-fi fantasy in our English, based on the novel Space School Blast Off! Followed by explanation texts, which have been supported by our learning in our science lessons. In Maths, we have been tackling word problems and fractions. Space has been our topic for science. We have looked the planets in our Solar System, investigated why the moon changes shape and have found out why we have Summer, Autumn, Spring and Winter! In history, we have been looking at England after the Anglo Saxons and trying to answer the question When was the Kingdom of England really born?  In RE, we have been looking at the Hindu festival of Holi and seeing why and how it is celebrated. 


We have all been working extra-hard on our Reading Plus and the results are showing so, please try to keep up the hard work!


Enjoy the half term break and get ready for another jam-packed Spring 2 term, including our visit to Liverpool!


Museum of Liverpool and Princes Synagogue Visit 

We had a fantastic visit to Liverpool on Thursday. We went to the Museum of Liverpool to learn about Liverpool's history in preparation for our geography unit this term. We walked up through Liverpool to look at the buildings and discuss how their use had changed over time. We completed a traffic survey which will support our learning in geography. 


Following this, we visited the Liverpool Synagogue. It was a great experience to see such a beautiful place of worship. This learning will support our RE learning this term. At the synagogue, we learnt about the traditions of the synagogue and practices of faith that happen there. It provided a great launch for our future learning. 

Bike Fix

We had a great afternoon learning about how to maintain our bike and and fix a puncture with South Ribble Sports Partnership. Definitely useful preparation for our Bikeability that we will be doing in two weeks.

Spring Term

2/3s of Year 5... Check! Another term down and we have been working our socks off as ever in Elephant class. This term, we have been tackling fractions in Maths, it's been tough but we have come out on top. In English, we have been writing with the story of Hugo Cabret in mind. The children have produced some excellent extracts based on what we have read. In our wider curriculum, our geography has centred around our visit to Liverpool, we have been looking Liverpool and its history and have been using data we collected to influence our learning. In RE, we have been learning about Judaism linking again to the trip that we went on earlier in the term. Elephants became music producers in computing; creating our own beats and tunes on the iPads. The children once again, worked their socks off and have thoroughly deserved the upcoming break. Thank you for your continued support, Mr Scott. 

King Charles III’s Coronation Party

We had a fantastic day celebrating King Charles’ coronation! We learnt all about the history of the coronation; the procession he would undertake and we created some portraits of King Charles inspired by Jonathan Yeo who painted the king’s late father. At lunchtime, we all enjoyed a picnic on the playground. 

Ancient Maya Day

As part of our enrichment in history, we had an ancient Maya themed day where we learnt about all things Maya. We created our own death masks inspired by that of Pakal the Great who was a famous Maya king. We tried to write in the hieroglyphics of the Maya (something we all found very tricky!). Then, in the afternoon, inspired by the cuisine of the Maya, we made our own corn tortillas and salsa to try - delicious! 

Chester Zoo

We had a fantastic day at Chester Zoo! We took part in a workshop all about rainforests and we were about to explore the zoo seeing some of the animals, who call the rainforest their natural habitat. The children thoroughly enjoyed being able to see the animals, it was a great day!

Summer 2 and the End of Year

Another year down! And an action packed way to finish finish. Beginning with our Chester Zoo visit to ending with our amazing sports day. It has been full of hard work including some fantastic writing; challenging maths; far-flung geography and sculpting pieces inspired by Yinka Shonibare. It has been a great year. Thank you children for all your hard work; and thank you parents for all your continued support. Have a wonderful, safe summer. 

Mr Scott and Mrs Rufus 

