I hope that you are all having a good Summer break and are looking forward to the year ahead. I am particularly looking forward to welcoming our new children to Woodlea and developing our school family further. We start back on Tuesday 3rd September when the gates will open at 8.45 am. Please use the designated entrances: Y3 /. 4 on Woodlea Road and Y5 / 6 on the school driveway. Mrs Shorrocks

Woodlea Junior School


Summer 1

Another whirlwind of a term in Tiger Class has flown by! The children have been amazingly busy this term, in our English we have been looking at story The Mousehole Cat and following this created some super stories based on the plot. Following this, we have been looking at explanation texts and the children created explanation texts about The Water Cycle. In Maths this term, we have been locked into learning about decimals and the children have preserved fantastically well in this area of Maths. 


In our wider curriculum, we have started our topic of the Romans. We have learnt about the different climates of the two countries and their location on the world map. We've studied the Roman invasion of Britannia and why they wanted to invade; looked at artefacts and learned about primary and secondary sources. In Science, we have been looking at and investigating sound. We've investigated how sound is made, the effects distance has on sound and worked scientifically using data loggers in our investigations. The children have been learning all about Ramadan in Religious Education. We have studied why they celebrate it, how they celebrate it and its importance as a Pillar of Islam.


The children have worked incredibly hard this term and should enjoy a well earnt break. 

Stay safe and see you after the half term.


Enrichment Afternoons

During our Enrichment Afternoons, the children have been doing lots of fun afternoons. It was great to see the children back having fun, communicating and working as a team. In Tiger Class, we made rivers out of tinfoil, made dens in our outdoor area and did some pond dipping. It was all lots of fun and the children had a great time.

Return to School 

It has been fantastic being back in school! There really is nothing better than having a classroom full of engaged and excited children. All the children have settled back into school really well and they have had a very busy three weeks. 

We have been tackling fractions in Maths and in our English we have been writing fairy tales and fantasy stories. In our Wider Curriculum, we have been handling artefacts in History; learning about the Water Cycle in Geography and investigating states of matter in Science. 


Lots of hard working was done during our very difficult and different period of home-learning. Tigers worked exceedingly hard and engagement numbers were fantastic. Take a look at some of the work that was completed. all the children need a big well done and a thank you for your hard work. Thank you to parents as well for all your hard work supporting children at home. 


End of Autumn Term

Before the start of this year, I definitely felt apprehensive about how the children would come back after the extended time away from being in school. But, Tiger class have most definitely dispelled any worries that I might have had with their hard work this term! The children have been fantastic and have come into school everyday eager to learn and work hard. They have truly been a credit to themselves and should be very proud. Despite there being some restrictions from what we’d usually been able to do, we have still managed to have some stand out days such as our pottery day and our Ancient Greek Day. They have produced some exceptional work. As a class, we’ve been authors, mathematicians, scientists, historians, geographers, artists and more! The children have definitely earned a well deserved break! Thank you to them for all their hard work and thank you to you, parents for all your continued support. 

See you all in the New Year, I hope you have a lovely and a safe Christmas. 

Mr Scott

Christmas Dinner and Party Day

On Wednesday we had our party day, it was lots of fun with lots of dancing , quizzing and chocolate! We also enjoyed a fantastic Christmas dinner courtesy of Mrs Legget and Miss Wilson.

12 Ks of Christmas

Pictures from our 12Ks of Christmas.

Headteacher Awards Autumn 2
Certificate Winners 11.12.20
Certificate Winners 4.12.20

Greek Day

Tigers had the most fantastic two days for our Greek Day. Starting on Wednesday, when we were lucky to have pottery expert Cathy in to guide us through making our Greek style clay pots. On Friday, we painted them in traditional Ancient Greek style orange and black. Following on from this, children presented the hard work that they’d done for their project homework. Finally, in the afternoon, Tigers had an Olympic Games which Emerald team were the victors. 

Thank you for all of the hard work that went into the costumes, the children had a fantastic day. 

Certificate Winners - 27.11.20
Certificate Winners - 20.11.20
Certificate Winners - 13.11.20
Certificate Winners - 6.11.20

End of the First Half Term

What an absolute whirlwind of a half term, it seems liked we've blinked and we're at the end of it. If there was any doubt about our children struggling to come back into school then Tiger class have banished them doubts. They have been fantastic this term and have done some brilliant learning! In our English, they have created some wonderful stories based on the plot of 'The Treasure of Loch Ness'. Following this, the children have created some non-fiction magazine articles about their own mythical monster. 


In our Maths, its been our first term learning with Maths No Problem. The children have taken to it excellently! The mathematical conversations that children at having in class are brilliant and it is showing a clear and deep understanding of what they are learning about. 


Our Science work this week has focused on the digestive system. We have learnt all about what happens to our food from the moment it enters our mouth to the moment it passes from our bodies. We found this out by doing a 'Chew to the Poo' experiment in class where we following the journey of a banana and some digestive biscuits. 


The children have worked exceptionally hard this term despite the turbulent environment that they're working through. They have earned a well deserved rest. Have a lovely break. 


Mr Scott

Virtual Assembly

Year Four were very lucky to have a virtual assembly from Abhi from the Gujarat Hindu Society. She spoke to the children all about the festival of Diwali, following on from our learning in our RE lessons. As well as this, the children learnt some traditional dances that are associated with Diwali. 

Endangered Animals

Following our Animal Fundraiser afternoon, we received our adoption pack from the WWF. It is such a pleasure and an hour to support tigers that are endangered around the world. 

Football and Healthy Eating

The children enjoyed an afternoon with Football Development. They learnt and developed their football skills focusing on dribbling with the ball, turning and moving into space. After the football session, the children did some work on healthy eating. 

Archaeological Dig 

To kick start our history topic this term, Tiger's Time Team went out into the archaeological dig area and retrieved artefacts. We used a Geophysical report that had identified where the artefacts were and then carefully excavated the objects from the earth. Following this, the children explored what they though the artefacts were. We then did some research into what the artefacts actually were, we will be revisiting the artefacts as we move through our topic. 

Class Representatives 

Congratulations to our new class representatives. They will be working (socially distanced) with representatives from the other classes to initiate some exciting changes in and around school. 

Welcome to Year Four

Hello and welcome to Year Four! I am Mr Scott class teacher and together with Mrs Grove our class teaching assistant we will be teaching Tiger class this year. I know that we have had a strange break but I am excited to get the children back into learning and normality just as much as I am sure you are!


For the first part of our Autumn term we will be looking at the story of The Loch Ness Monster and will be producing writing based around the theme. In Maths, we are very excited to be starting the 'Maths No Problem' scheme of work. The scheme is based on the Singapore style of maths and provides great context for children's learning. 


Reading this year will be slightly different as the children will be getting a book on Monday and then must bring the book back on Friday (then receive a new one the following Monday - if needed). Children are expected to read at least four times a week and will stay in Friday break-time if they have not. 


PE kits must be in school and will stay in school until the October half term, children may wish to bring in an outdoor PE kit although again, this must be kept in school until half term so please don't send in their favourite tracksuit. 


If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact the office and I will get back to you. 


Follow Tigers on Twitter: @TigerClass1


I'm looking forward to teaching and getting to know your children this year. Thank you for your support. 


Mr Scott 

Meet The Teacher

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