On behalf of all the team at Woodlea, I would like to wish you all the very best for the year ahead!

Woodlea Junior School


Welcome to Orangutans!


Although we are not physically in school at the moment, the hard work that the Orangutans have put in all year is continuing at home!


We are continuing with our new and exciting curriculum, just in a slightly altered way that is better suited to home learning.  Our new focus is on World War Two (WWII) and the impact it had on our home county of Lancashire!


For English and Maths we have been consolidating our knowledge of things we have previously learnt using Learning By Questions, White Rose Maths, TTRockstars, Spelling Shed and others. 


Our ears are always open should you wish to discuss anything and we hope you enjoy reading our updates!


Mrs Astbury & Mrs Smith

Updates on Home Learning


Hello everyone,


We hope you are all okay and staying safe!


We just wanted to take this opportunity to share some updates with you all on our Home Learning. Orangutans have been working incredibly hard over the past few weeks (as they do when we are physically in school) and both myself and Mrs Smith are very proud of them! 


I will share some examples of work that the Orangutans have created below so you can have a look and be amazed! 


As I have said everyday to the Orangutans, if you need any help with anything, please get in touch via SeeSaw!


Stay safe and hopefully we will see you all soon,

Mrs Astbury & Mrs Smith 


A great big THANK YOU!


This school year has been challenging, bizarre, inspirational, mind blowing, thought-provoking and so many other things but I just wanted to take this chance to say thank you.


Thank you to all of you for being an amazing class.


Thank you to your mums, dads, brothers and sisters for supporting you.


Thank you to Mrs Smith for being there with us every step of the way and making sure we all know our times tables!


This year has certainly been a memorable one and I am sure none of us will forget it in a hurry!


Good luck to Woodlea's class of 2020 as you move on towards a very bright future!


Mrs Astbury x


Orangutans' Home Learning

Our Tudor Cafe - Pottage, Bread and Spiced Hot Chocolate

Tudor Arcade - Business Sale

Heart Start Children's First Aid

Qu'est-ce que tu fais le weekend?

Our Tudor Archaeological Dig
