We have had a very busy and exciting start to the new school year. There has been some amazing activities taking place leading to our children learning lots!

Woodlea Junior School


Welcome to Orangutans!


Another year has started at Woodlea and we are already in full swing! In Orangutans this year Mrs Astbury is the class teacher and Mrs Smith is the TA.


We are very much looking forward to all the exciting things that are happening in school this year!


The first of those exciting things is our change in topics. For the autumn term we will be investigating the question

'How did the Tudors make their world bigger?'


In English we will be studying a very famous playwright from the Tudor period, William Shakespeare. Alongside this, in our Maths lessons we will be consolidating our knowledge of number and place value.


Our door is always open should you wish to come in and discuss anything and we hope you enjoy reading our updates!


Tudor Archaeological Dig
