I hope that you are all having a good Summer break and are looking forward to the year ahead. I am particularly looking forward to welcoming our new children to Woodlea and developing our school family further. We start back on Tuesday 3rd September when the gates will open at 8.45 am. Please use the designated entrances: Y3 /. 4 on Woodlea Road and Y5 / 6 on the school driveway. Mrs Shorrocks

Woodlea Junior School


Welcome to Tiger Class

What a great summer term in Year 4, we are so proud of the children in Tiger Class, who have come so far. We have made great memories, had fun and gained lots of new knowledge. Miss Martin has been the class teacher for this year, supported by Mrs Stableford. 


We began the term by writing our own stories with dilemmas based on 'The Suitcase Kid'. Then, we went on to explore newspaper recounts in preparation for writing our own recount on The Roman invasion. In English during Summer 2, we read 'The Mousehole Cat' by Antonia Barber and worked towards writing our own stories with a theme.


For maths, we follow the Maths No Problem scheme of work and we began the term by learning about fractions. After that, we explored time. All of the children have shown amazing resilience and perseverance, a huge well done! During Summer 2, we worked on decimals and we also learned about money and length, mass and volume.  Mental maths took place daily. We have also been blown away by the results of our multiplication check which took place in June. Congratulations to all of the children in Year 4!


Our wider curriculum topic for Summer 2 focused on earthquakes. During our geography lessons, we researched the relationship between earthquakes and tectonic plates, explored what causes earthquakes and we learned about the impact of earthquakes.


Scroll down for a glimpse of what we have been getting up to in Tiger Class. We wish all of the children the best on their journey in Year 5 and we would like to thank all Parents/Carers for their continued support!

Young Governors, Eco Committee Representatives and Reader Leaders

Super Project Homework

Endangered Animal Fundraiser

Thank you to all the families who donated to our fundraiser, we have now adopted a tiger 😀🐯

Ancient Greek Archeological Dig

Ancient Greek Day

A morning taking part in the Dance Festival

The numeracy and football initiative

Creating Greek salads in DT

Visit to Leyland Library

Dancing the Charleston

Reading for pleasure

Christmas Party Day

Creating Static Electricity!

Shang Dynasty Archaeological Dig

Mark Making and Exploring Printing

A visit to Leyland Library

A fantastic yoga session!

Shang Dynasty Day

Roman Archaeological Dig

Exploring Sound

Our visit to Ribchester Roman Museum

Sports, Adventure and Fun day with UK Military School

Carving Roman Busts!

Exploring solid, liquid and gas

Creating a battleships game as part of our Data Handling topic in Computing

An amazing ukulele performance!
