On behalf of all the team at Woodlea, I would like to wish you all the very best for the year ahead!

Woodlea Junior School


Rhino Class 2021 - 2022

Have an amazing summer Rhinos!


Well done Rhinos for a fantastic year 4! We are so proud of all your hard work this year and we know you'll continue to be brilliant in year 5.


Have a wonderful break!


Mrs Archer and Mrs Rufus 

Long Division Method - Maths No Problem

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In our Maths No Problem sessions the children have been introduced to the long division method. This is an expanded version of the bus stop method which the children will begin to use in upper key stage 2. Please use this recap to support your child when completing their homework. 

Summer 1 Update


Summer 1 has been a fantastic term with lots of learning taking place. We also celebrated the end of term with the Platinum Jubilee party!


Take a look at the photographs/videos below to see what we have been getting up to in Summer 1... 

Our 70s Jubilee Performance

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Jubilee Party

River Walk

Art - Sculpting

RE - Islam

Science - How is sound made?

Spring 2 Update



This half term, we're going to be reading the classic fairy tale, The Pied Piper. The children will be reading and analysing the story before independently writing their own fairy tale. Following this, we will be writing an information text about electricity. 



Using the Maths No Problem scheme of work, we will be completing units on graphs, fractions and time. 



In Science this term we continue our learning on electricity. We will be conducting tests to identify insulators and conductors and discussing the importance of this knowledge in the wider world. Also, we will be investigating different lines of enquiry to find out what happens when we change components in a circuit. What happens if we use two batteries? What about two bulbs? 


Wider Curriculum

The focus of our wider curriculum for the Spring Term will be The Shang Dynasty. Geography and History lessons will cover: the location of the country and its rivers; researching what life was like with the use of primary and secondary sources and exploring how The Shang Dynasty compared to ‘Bronze-Age Britain’. At the end of our Shang Dynasty topic, children will be taking part in a ‘Shang Dynasty Day’ to further enrich the learning of this topic.



This term PE lessons will be on a Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon, children’s kits (red Woodlea t-shirt, plain black shorts and black pumps) should be kept in school at all times. We will continue to be doing as many PE lessons as we can outside, so please send an outdoor kit (tracksuit top and pants). Please note, kits will be kept in school until the half term when they will be taken home.



Homework will be set on Friday and is to be completed by the following Friday. It will be set through Seesaw online. Homework club will be on a Tuesday after school until 4pm where children can access iPads and staff support.


Take a look at the photographs below to see what we have been getting up to in Spring 2 so far... 

River Write

Rhinos Flowers

Geography - Rivers

Mamma Mia - Lyric Innovation

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Mamma Mia - Lyric Innovation

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Learning our 8x tables with this catchy tune...

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Shang Dynasty Day

Computing - Touch screen inputs, conditions and sensing

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Design Technology - Chariots

English - Hot Seating

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Science - Insulators and Conductors

Spring 1 Update


Welcome to Spring term 2022! 



This half term, we're going to be reading a fantastic fantasy story, The Firework Maker's Daughter by Philip Pullman. The children will be reading and analysing the story before independently writing their own fantasy story. Following this, we will be writing a persuasive advert for Lila's fireworks! 



Using the Maths No Problem scheme of work, we will be completing units on further multiplication and division. Then to end the half term will be interpreting information on graphs. 




In Science this term we will be learning all about electricity. We will learn how we source electricity and how to create a complete circuit. We will then build on our knowlege by investigating materials which are conductors and insulators. 


Wider Curriculum

The focus of our wider curriculum for the Spring Term will be The Shang Dynasty. Geography and History lessons will cover: the location of the country and its rivers; researching what life was like with the use of primary and secondary sources and exploring how The Shang Dynasty compared to ‘Bronze-Age Britain’. At the end of our Shang Dynasty topic, children will be taking part in a ‘Shang Dynasty Day’ to further enrich the learning of this topic.



This term PE lessons will be on a Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon, children’s kits (red Woodlea t-shirt, plain black shorts and black pumps) should be kept in school at all times. We will continue to be doing as many PE lessons as we can outside, so please send an outdoor kit (tracksuit top and pants). Please note, kits will be kept in school until the half term when they will be taken home.



Homework will be set on Friday and is to be completed by the following Friday. It will be set through Seesaw online. Homework club will be on a Tuesday after school until 4pm where children can access iPads and staff support.


Take a look at the photographs below to see what we have been getting up to in Spring 1 so far... 

Rhino's 7x Tables Music Video

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English Persuasive Advert - Lila’s Firework

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English Persuasive Advert - Mrs Archer’s Marvellous Market

Sports Development - Football

Art - Block Printing

Science - Electricity

PE - Gymnastics

Autumn 2 Update


As we come to the end of our first full term in year 4, take a look back at all the amazing things we have achieved... 

We came back after half term and found a mysterious golden cup and pencil in the classroom, we explored the tale of King Midas and created our own stories with the theme ‘be careful what you wish for’. We ended the term by writing a debate about whether or not children should have mobile phones. 


In maths, we have been challenging ourselves with our unit on multiplication and division. We will continue to work on multiplication and division during the Spring term. 

We have also continued our topics on the Ancient Greeks and held our much anticipated Greek Day which was a fantastic experience. We made wreaths and masks, heard Greek myths, had a visit from a potter to create Greek pottery and we competed in our own Olympics. Next term, we are moving on to explore The Shang Dynasty and rivers.


In Science, we have compared, fair tested and observed over time to explore the importance of oral hygiene. We created a chew to poo model and we have written great diary entries, imagining we are bananas travelling through the digestive system. Towards the end of the Autumn term, we searched for signs of life and classified animals. We are now excited to learn about electricity during the Spring term.


Take a look at the photographs below to see EVEN MORE of what we have been getting up to in Rhinos Class. As always, thank you to all of our parents and carers for your continued support. Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year! 

Christmas in Rhinos

Greek Day

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Science - The Sumatran Rhinos - Chew to Poo

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The Indian Rhinos - Chew to Poo

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Autumn 1 Update


Well done Rhinos for a FANTASTIC start to year 4! We have already achieved so much during our first half term and should be very proud of this. Scroll down to see a snippet of what we have been busy doing... 

Endangered Animal Fundraiser - Rhino Run


On Friday, we had a great afternoon completing our Rhino Run. As a class, we ran 27 000 metres which represent the 27 000 rhinos that remain in the wild. 


"Today, around 27,000 rhinos remain in the wild. Very few rhinos survive outside national parks and reserves due to persistent poaching and habitat loss over many decades." (World Wildlife Fund, 2021) 


Thank you for all your donations towards this worthy cause! 

Welcome to Rhino Class 2021 - 2022


Hello! Welcome to another school year at Woodlea! We are delighted to have all of the children back in school and can’t wait to get stuck into our learning this year...


Important information about your child's learning has been shared below and the information will be updated regularly. We will also be sharing all the amazing things we get up to in the Rhino class - so please keep an eye out for updates.




Mrs Archer is the class teacher and she will be assisted by Mrs Rufus. They will be in class every day supporting our learning. 

In English this half term, we will be completing a unit based on the story of the Loch Ness Monster. First, we will be writing a story with an adventure narrative then we will write our own magazine article reporting information about a fictional creature.  


In our Maths, we are using the Maths No Problem scheme of work and will begin the year by looking at counting and place value.


The focus of our wider curriculum for the Autumn Term will be Ancient Greece. Geography and History lessons will cover the location of the country, what life was like in Ancient Greece and how Greek society has impacted our daily life.




If your child is in the Rhino class, you will be sent the details to access your child’s SeeSaw account. We will be sharing updates, letters and our work via this platform.




Homework will be set on Friday to be returned the following Friday. It will be set through Seesaw online. Homework club will be on a Tuesday after school until 4pm where children can access iPads and staff support. You do not need to sign your child up for homework club. 





Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. Please make sure your child’s PE kit is in school. We will be doing as many PE lessons as we can outside. Therefore, if you want to send an outdoor kit (tracksuit top and pants) you may. Please note, kits will be kept in school until the half term when they will be taken home.




Children must read at home a minimum of four times within a week, this can include Reading Plus. Books will go home on a Monday and must be returned on a Friday. Reading records must be signed by an adult.
