On behalf of all the team at Woodlea, I would like to wish you all the very best for the year ahead!

Woodlea Junior School

Digital Leaders

Digital Leaders 2023-2024






Our plan this year- 2023-2024

We have joined Code Club this year and are looking forward to using code to create lots of exciting projects. 

We are also eagerly awaiting our order of micro:bits which will be used alongside our new skills learnt in coding.


Digital Leaders 2022-2023





This year at Woodlea, we have launched a new team of digitally skilled pupils to help support the development of Computing across our school. 


We are aware of the importance that technology will hold in our children's future and how this will only continue to grow. Therefore, as a school, we are committed to ensuring our Woodlea pupils will leave Year 6 with a vast range of digital skills, enabling them to enter their next stage of education as confident content creators, opposed to just being digital consumers. 


What do our digital leaders do?


o Support the use of iPads and computers in school for learning.

o Share their skills and expertise with other pupils, classes and even teachers.
o Set up equipment in classrooms for teachers.
o Help teachers update and monitor areas of the school website, Twitter or class blog.
o Feed into whole school decisions about the future development of technology.
o Help lead lunchtime or after school computing / iPad clubs.
o Support teachers in using technology in the classroom.

What the Digital Leaders have done so far this year…


Following on from Internet Legends Day, the Digital Leaders have designed questionnaires using Kahoot to find out what the children at Woodlea think about safety online. 
