Our Vision for History at Woodlea!
At Woodlea Junior School, History is the main driving focus for the wider curriculum. We believe that the study and teaching of History inspires and motivates children’s eagerness, encourages them to ask critical questions and enables them to have a better understanding of the diverse society in which they live and that of the diverse wider world. It helps gain a sense of their own uniqueness, identity within a social, cultural, political and economic background. Our historians are always keen to understand what particular skill they are learning in History at the start of the session, whether it be chronology, events, people and changes, interpretation, enquiry and using sources or communication and vocabulary.
Our vision statement for history is as follows: ‘For all children to fluently understand, navigate and analyze the past through high quality sources and human experiences.’
Our intention at Woodlea Junior School is to ensure that teachers progressively cover the skills and concepts required in the National Curriculum. We aim to create historically literate individuals, who can understand the past, and their place within it. In addition to this, they will be able to understand how to explore and interpret the past in a manner like real historians.
In order to develop well-rounded historians, we aim to develop several key skills in their interpretation of the past. These skills are:
Characteristics of the Era
Change and Continuity
Cause and Consequence
Interpretation of Sources
Historical Enquiry
In order to develop these skills as best as possible, children will have access to a wide range of primary and secondary sources, including the work of historians and experts in their field.
In addition to this, we prioritise a depth and range of historical knowledge. Our curriculum reflects this through it's chronological structure, with children learning about the earliest days of human civilization in Year 3, through to more modern topics and complex themes by the time they reach Year 6, such as the Industrial Revolution and Second World War.
The impact of the history curriculum is measured via formative assessment each lesson. Children will be expected to use historical vocabulary correctly, and to demonstrate the range of historical skills listed in the subject implementation. Through the use of Rosenshine's principles of learning, knowledge will be re-capped week on week to ensure that the historical content, as well as the historical skills, are embedded.
Year 3 Stone Age Day
Our Year 3's stepped back in time to the Stone Age, participating in an archaeological dig and creating their own cave paintings.
Year 4 Ancient Greek Day
Our Year 4s stepped back in time to Classical Greece, where they worked on pottery and competed in their own ancient Olympics!
Year 5 Anglo-Saxon Day
Our Year 5s were transported back in time to Anglo-Saxon Britain, where they made brooches, Anglo-Saxon pottage and recreated the famous Sutton Hoo burial site.
Year 6 Second World War Day (Coming Summer Term 2023)