We have had a very busy and exciting start to the new school year. There has been some amazing activities taking place leading to our children learning lots!

Woodlea Junior School


Welcome to Chimps 23/24!

This year, Chimps will be taught by Mr McCracken and supported by Mrs Smith and Mrs Rufus. 

SATs Information Presentation

Headteachers Award Winners



Half term homework will be the completion of 2 reading pluses, 2 reads in books and 10 garage and studio games on TT Rockstars. Have a safe and enjoyable half term everyone. 


Summer 2

In the Summer 2 Term, we will be taking part in the Year 6 plus as part of our preparation for secondary school. In addition to this, we still have our STEM projects, School play and residential to look forward to now that SATs are over, making Summer 2 a very exciting term to look forward to!

Trip to British Commercial Vehicle Museum

Autumn Term Highlights


Have a look at just a few of our Autumn Term highlights!


Trip to Manchester Museum

Endangered Animal Fundraiser

It is always fantastic to know that our annual fundraiser helps real life chimps out in the wild!
