On behalf of all the team at Woodlea, I would like to wish you all the very best for the year ahead!

Woodlea Junior School


Egyptian Secrets Day!

It looks like we are about to enter our last term of the school year and oh what a year it has been! The children have been absolutely amazing and it has been my pleasure to see them progress and grow. This next term we will be looking at adventure stories and discussions in English. In Maths, we will be tackling angles, lines, shape and perimeter using our scheme Maths No Problem. We will be finishing off our Ancient Egyptians topic and in Science it will be plants. I’m really looking forward to this final term to finish off an incredible year. 

Jubilee Day at Woodlea!

Shadows and how they are formed.

Year 3 have been learning how to be healthy and how to look after our teeth in PSHE!

What a great Spring term we have had, we have been Historians, Scientists and taken part in some field work for Geography. The children are coming on leaps and bounds. I am one very proud teacher. Next Half term in English we will be looking at Playscripts and Biographies. In Maths we will be diving into fractions using Maths No Problem and for our History topic, we will be learning about the Ancient Egyptians. Science will be Plants and Geography we will look at the River Nile. Have a lovely Easter break and I look forward to welcoming the children back in the Summer term.

Bread making in Design Technology!

Computing skills using Microsoft Word on laptops using mouse and keyboard inputs!

Working Scientifically on Contact and Non-Contact Forces

This half term, the children have written some amazing fables and deep discussions in English. I can’t wait to read their next piece of writing about the Iron Man and diary entries. In Maths we will be learning about Time and Money using Maths No Problem. 

We will be continuing with our History Bronze and Iron Age topic and our Magnets and Forces topic in Science. We will now be for using on OS map symbols and fieldwork within our Geography. 

Iron and Fire Day

What an incredible first term we have had at Woodlea! The progress the children have made is really outstanding. They come to school eager to learn lots of new and exciting things. I am very proud of how far they have come already and I can’t wait to see how they continue to flourish. This next term in Spring 1 we will be learning about fables, poems with a theme and discussion texts in English. In Maths we will be looking at further multiplication and division, length, mass and volume using our Maths No Problem scheme. In geography we will be looking at map work and OS symbols. Our History era will be Bronze Age into the Iron Age and finally our science topic will be forces and magnets. Have a lovely Christmas and I will look forward to the New Year. 

Fair testing in Science

Magnet Moves in P.E

Year 3 Additional Bits of Information

A very warm welcome to Panda Class. We are very excited to have the children in school and back to learning lots of exciting new things after the summer break. 


Miss Platts is the class teacher supported by Mrs Grose.


The first part of our term in English we will be looking at story writing using ‘A Bear called Paddington’. In Maths, we will first be looking at place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division before starting our exciting Maths scheme called ‘Maths No Problem’. The scheme of work is based on Singapore Maths and helps the children move from concrete to pictorial to abstract learning. 


For our theme work we will be looking at The Stone Age and on Friday 19th November we will hold our very own Stone Age day in school. Her the children will dress up as Stone Age people and learn all about this era through hands on experiences both in and outdoors.


Reading books will be sent home on a Friday and to be returned each Friday. We read 4 times a week and this must be signed by an adult. Reading plus can also count towards one of these read. This must be logged in your child's reading record along with the percentage that they score and signed by an adult.


P.E will be on a Thursday and Friday and full indoor and outdoor kits are required. Please ensure these are all named. 


Homework will be set online on a Tuesday and will be due in on a Monday. This will either be on Seesaw, TTROCKSTARS, Spelling Shed or Mathletics. 

Year 3 Autumn Termly Newsletter

Rock Hunt around Leyland

Stone Age Day!

Our Weekly Award Winners!
