We have had a very busy and exciting start to the new school year. There has been some amazing activities taking place leading to our children learning lots!

Woodlea Junior School


Welcome to Pandas,3P!

Our class teacher is Mrs Smith and our teaching assistant is Mrs Atherton.

In Pandas we work hard to follow all of the school's core values and always strive to try our best in all areas of our learning. We particularly focus on working collaboratively to encourage each other to go that one step further.



Autumn 1

What a fantastic start to the school year.  The children are currently looking at Folktales and the children really enjoyed Rumpelstiltskin. We will be focusing on the common features and studying a variety of texts, the children will begin to plan and develop their own adaptations of folktales.

In maths we have been developing skills on number recognition and place value.  And later on this half term we will be moving onto 2D shape.


In theme we are looking at 'There's no place like home', we have discussed the continents of the world and this week we will be looking at the United Kingdom. Over the next few weeks the children will be using maps to investigate their local area, mapping their journeys to school and identifying familiar places.


Thank you to all the Panda Parents who attended Meet the Parents.





On Friday 9th September 2016, we had a fantastic PANDA PARTY!
All of us had such a brilliant time.
Throughout the afternoon, we used art skills to produce panda masks and a panda collage. We used literacy skills to write about the panda in the wild. The children very much enjoyed making and eating Panda biscuits. 

All the children had a wonderful time, lots of fun memories were made and a great awareness of our endangered animal was promoted. We would like to thank all those who donated towards the cause.



Spring Term 1


What an explosive start we've had to this term. We've thoroughly enjoyed researching the Stone Age and the children have been very excited by their project homework. We've had some very interesting volcanoes created using all manner of materials. 

We have some very imaginative children in the class who created interesting adventure stories based around Stig of the Dump. 


The children were all enthusiastic about our Science week and created light spinners and shadow puppets - some of them even created their own puppet show. We enjoyed exploring shadows and invited our Parents in to join in with our learning. 




Pandas have had an interesting week, researching how to reduce waste as part of eco-week. We considered reducing food packaging and how saving water and electricity would help the environment. We created posters for a school display. 

We considered our own carbon footprints and traced the outline of our feet, where we wrote our own pledge to help save the environment - our footprints are displayed outside the classroom door.  

We also considered how recycling and re-using could have an impact on the environment.




Football and Healthy Eating!


On Friday 21st October Pandas had lots of fun playing football and learning about healthy eating. 

We spent the morning enjoying lots of different football activities including dribbling, turning and passing the ball and then played a few mini football games against each other. Afterwards we learnt about healthy diets and why a healthy diet is important to us all. 

Football and Healthy Eating

Autumn 2.


What a busy half term we have had in Panda Class.


In English we have enjoyed exploring Fables and practising our Persuasive Writing.  In Maths we have investigated 3d shapes and practised our mulitplication tables.

We have thoroughly enjoyed our research and investigations about Healthy Humans.

Spring Term 2


What an exciting half term we've had in Panda Class. We took part in and enjoyed the writing workshop for World Book Day - especially making the blood cakes!


The term has finished with a fabulous trip to Manchester Museum of Science and Industry which the children thoroughly enjoyed - and are still talking about now.

Our Theme work this half term has been based around Magnets and Forces and so the children really enjoyed taking part in experiments and gaining 'hands on' learning from the experiment hall at the Museum. The children watched and actively took part in a show called Forces and Friction - No one was more surprised than Mrs Smith about the sky-diving. 


Summer 1


Wow! What a fantastic half term we've had.

The children really enjoyed putting together our class assembly and taking part in Multi Faith week.

Wow what an amazing first year at Woodlea.

This half term the children have enjoyed lots of experiments with plants. We explored what plants need to grow and develop. We studied the life cycle of a butterfly and the children really enjoyed watching our caterpillars turn into butterflies and then releasing them onto the school field. ​​​​​​



I hope you all have a fantastic summer and wish you the best of luck as you move into Year 4!!
