A warm welcome to Rhino Class. This year Rhino Class will be taught by Mrs Strickland and supported by Mrs Quinn and Mrs Spear.
Homework goes out on a Wednesday and needs to be handed in by the following Monday.
We ask that you read with an adult three times a week! If you read FOUR times a week, you will get a Brag Tag!
What a busy half term we have had. Our fantastic Business Week raised £74.67, we have learnt about Ancient Egypt and we have been practising our water colour painting skills, both in school and at Worden Park.
We had a fantastic day at Worden Park. We looked at the leaves on the trees and used a key to try to identify the types of tree which grow in the park. Then we went to The Walled Garden and looked for different types of bees. They were difficult to identify because as soon as you got close to them they would fly away!! After lunch, we sat in the gardens and tried out our water colour painting skills.
For our Business Week, we made book marks, picture frames and salt dough amulets. We even had a game of 'Pin the Horn on the Rhino'. We were extremely proud to raise £74.67.
In Science Week, our topic was 'Beating the Flood'. We had to build houses that could with stand flooding. We used a wide variety of materials and tools to build our houses. We then tested them and unfortunately not many houses survived the test. Back to the drawing board!!!!
How quickly we have arrived at the Summer Term!!!
Our topic is Water, Water Everywhere. We will be looking at Solids, Liquids and Gases in our science work. The geography aspect will involve looking at rivers and The Water Cycle.
We have designed and made wallets to keep our possessions safe. First of all, we designed our wallet, ensuring that it would be large enough to keep our important possessions safe. The next step was to design a prototype to check that we were happy with our design. We used this as a pattern to draw onto our fabric. We carefully cut out the fabric and then sewed it together.
During this last week (Week beginning 11.2.19) we have had a science week. Our topic has been 'Sound'. We looked closely at a diagram of the ear to see how we process sounds. We made String telephones and Straw Pan Pipes and used them to investigate how the sound travels by vibrations and how to create different pitches of sound.
Next half term we will studying 'Passport to Europe'. We will be looking at maps and identifying features of Catalonia, a region within Europe. we will be writing non-chronological reports and a novel as a theme.
The Plague!!!
Our theme work this half term has been about The Plague. We found out key dates for this period in time and the events which took place. We then used this information to write a diary entry, using our senses, to describe what it would be like to live at that time.
Plague Homework
Look at the fantastic home work that some of us have produced.
This half term our topic is:
We will be learning about electricity and how to keep safe, as well as investigating fantasy stories and explanations!