I hope that you are all having a good Summer break and are looking forward to the year ahead. I am particularly looking forward to welcoming our new children to Woodlea and developing our school family further. We start back on Tuesday 3rd September when the gates will open at 8.45 am. Please use the designated entrances: Y3 /. 4 on Woodlea Road and Y5 / 6 on the school driveway. Mrs Shorrocks

Woodlea Junior School


Year 3 Additional Bits of Information

Welcome to Woodlea Junior School! Here, you can find home learning, letters and other important information, including what we have been learning about and what’s coming up this year. Please visit us regularly to follow our learning journey throughout the year.

We look forward to sharing key learning opportunities with you. 

Mrs Younis is the class teacher supported by Mrs Merrilees.


For this half term in English, we will be writing an Adventure story using 'The Magic Faraway Tree’ by Enid Blyton as inspiration. For our non-fiction unit, we will be writing explanation texts . In Maths, we will be using our exciting Maths scheme called ‘Maths No Problem’ to explore angles, lines and shapes and perimeter of shapes. The scheme of work is based on Singapore Maths and helps the children move from concrete to pictorial and then to abstract learning. 


For our theme work we will be studying Plants. We will look at everything a plant needs to grow and thrive. We are incredibly lucky to have a local gardener come to visit us to explain what a plant needs in further detail. We are planning to be very green thumbed by the end of this term!


Reading books will be sent home on a Friday and they will need to be returned each Friday. It is advised that the children must read at least 4 times per week and this must be signed by an adult. Reading plus can also contribute towards a read. This must be logged in your child's yellow reading record along with the percentage that they score and signed by an adult.


Homework will be set online on a Tuesday and will be due in on a Monday. This will either be on Seesaw, TTROCKSTARS, Spelling Shed or Mathletics.


P.E will be taking place on a Thursday and Friday and the correct indoor and outdoor kits are required. Please ensure these are all named.

If you have any queries, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Best Wishes

Mrs Younis



The Queen's Platinum Jubilee

On Friday 27th May 2022, 3G celebrated the Queen’s Platinum. We had a 1950’s bash all dressed in our finest frocks.


As part of our celebrations, we looked at the art of Jackson Pollock who was an American artist was known for his ‘splatter’ style of art. His art work was displayed in the Tate Modern in the 50’s. We used pipettes to create our own examples of his work and then added the Queen’s silhouette on top.


A popular thing to play with in the 1950’s was playdough. But many people didn’t buy it from a shop! They made their own using flour, salt and water.


We listened to lots of popular music from the 1950’s and found that many people enjoyed rock ’n’ roll. We learnt the lyrics to “I’m singin’ in the rain” which was sung by Gene Kelly in the musical Singin’ in the Rain which was in cinemas in 1952.


Ancient Egyptian project homework!

A huge thank you to Alison for coming into school and sharing her dental expertise with our Year 3 children. Everyone learnt so much about dental hygiene and the importance of keeping our teeth clean. 

Dental Nurse visit!

Learning the Life Skills of a Bronze Age Person

Hands on learning about the Bronze and Iron Age. ‪We were incredibly lucky to enjoy a visit from #FriargateForge. Gary and Joss are local blacksmiths, who the children interviewed. We also got to have a go at what it is like being a blacksmith, turning the bellows like children in the Bronze Age‬.

We are engineers! Just like John Smeaton, we have designed and built our own bridges out of wood. We used different shapes to create strong bridges. We took inspiration from famous bridges to help us design ours and found that triangles create sturdy structures.

We have been learning about how muscles work to move our bodies. We used modelling balloons to show how muscles work in pairs pulling the bones to move them. 

Football keeps us healthy!

We can be Geologists!

As part of our scientific learning, we have been in our local area looking for different types of rocks and their uses. We found granite, slate, sandstone, concrete and ashlar. We know that rocks with higher durability are good for things that will need to last a long time, we also spotted that house use slate on their roofs. We discussed how this is because the slate is impermeable which means the material will not let water through. 
