On behalf of all the team at Woodlea, I would like to wish you all the very best for the year ahead!

Woodlea Junior School


Home Learning during Covid-19!

A totally different way of learning!

A huge thank you and a massive well done to all of the Gorilla class, parents, carers and guardians, who have really helped and supported the children with their home learning during this crisis. We are all very proud of the efforts, determination and resilience the children have shown throughout this frustrating time.

Even though we are not all at School together, we are still continuing to work on our Curriculum and are completing our daily Maths and English sessions. We are focusing on Light and Shadows in Science and recapping our learning about the Stone Age into the Bronze and Iron Age for History. In Geography, the children are practising and recapping their knowledge and understanding about OS symbols and why they are used. 

For English and Maths, children are embedding the skills and strategies used in class to ensure these strategies and different methods are still fresh in the mind. 

Take a look at the great home learning taken place!

Victory in Europe day!

On Friday 8th May 2020, people all over the UK and in other countries of the world turned their thoughts and attention towards the 75th anniversary of VE Day! This very important and historical day, back in 1945, marked the end of World War ll in Europe. The children were asked to participate in range of activities linking to VE Day. Take a look at some of the home learning activities completed by the Gorilla class. 


VE Day home learning by 3G!

Iron and Fire day at Woodlea led by a talented Blacksmith!

Year 3 children have been learning about life during the Bronze Age and the Iron Age. To make this topic come to life, a professional Blacksmith, Gary, arrived at Woodlea Junior School to showcase his skills and talents to the children. The aim of the day was to engage the children to get hands-on experience of the varying metal items created and used within this historical era and to witness a demonstration of how metal tools are developed and created using stone, charcoal and heat. During the day, Gary explained to the children about the importance of Blacksmiths during the Bronze Age and Iron Age. Some of the items created by Gary included a pinnacular brooch, hooks, keyrings, a rose, torcs used by the wealthy Celts and some nails. All the children were extremely intrigued and asked many questions which Gary answered to the best of his knowledge. It was an absolutely marvellous day filled with great activities. Every child, including many teachers, had a tremendous day and were thrilled and amazed at how metal can be changed once it has been heated. Take a look at some of the photographs taken!


Stone Age at Woodlea Junior School!

Stone Age day!

In Year 3, we are currently studying about the Stone Age so we decided to hold a Stone Age day in school for the children to experience what life was actually like during this era. All the children came dressed as a Stone Age person and they had the opportunity to explore numerous activities such as jewellery making, cave painting, shelter building, archaeological dig and having their lunch around a camp fire! It was an absolutely marvellous day and all the children thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience! It left them all with imperishable, everlasting and mark making memories! A huge big thank you to all the parents for taking the time and effort to style the children in their amazing costumes. 



Scooter safety training!

On Friday 22nd November, 3G took part in a scooter safety training programme which was run by the South Ribble Borough Council. The aim of the day was to improve children's confidence and stability whilst riding their scooter. The training lasted 2 hours and was taken place on the school grounds. The children had a fantastic time and thoroughly enjoyed their session!



Scooter Safety training!

Welcome to Woodlea Junior School.

We hope you have had a lovely Summer and are ready to start your exciting and adventurous journey in the Juniors with Mrs Younis (Class teacher) and  Mrs Grose.

A very warm welcome to the Year 3 website page. Here you will find pictures and fantastic work completed by your children and weekly homework.


Our first topic this half term is "The Stone Age” The children will be studying all about life during this era. In Science, we will be learning about rocks and fossils. In Geography, the focus will be Mountains and Volcanoes. 


P.E sessions will take place on a Monday and Tuesday. Please ensure P.E kits are in school at all times. Each item should be labelled clearly with your child's name.


If you are unsure of anything or would like more information, please do not hesitate to ask at the main office for Mrs Younis. 



3G's visit to the Leyland Library

Gorilla Project Homework.mp4

Still image for this video

Project Homework
