I hope that you are all having a good Summer break and are looking forward to the year ahead. I am particularly looking forward to welcoming our new children to Woodlea and developing our school family further. We start back on Tuesday 3rd September when the gates will open at 8.45 am. Please use the designated entrances: Y3 /. 4 on Woodlea Road and Y5 / 6 on the school driveway. Mrs Shorrocks

Woodlea Junior School

Tiger Class, end of 2014 / 2015

It's that time of year again,
For us to say goodbye.
We've had a lot of fun this year,
Or at least we've had a try.
We've dressed up as ancient Greeks,
Explored Russia and Europe too,
We've created modern art works
And visited a temple too!
We've had more experiences
Than I could think to say,
So have a wonderful summer, Tigers
You'll be missed in every way.

Good luck Year 4 from Mrs. Darby

This half term our topic is Hunted!
We will be learning about the wildlife around us and how it affects our environment.

We have already begun 'hunting' for flora and fauna in our school grounds. Check it out! 

We ventured outside and used watercolours to paint wild flowers - luckily the sun was out for us!


In our class, we work hard and pull together as a team to make sure we all do our best and have fun doing it. We have teams which we work together with to get points. And points mean prizes! Our teams are: 
Trendsetters, Rockstars, Forward Thinkers, Invincibles, Go-Getters, Inspirationals and Unstoppables.
