On behalf of all the team at Woodlea, I would like to wish you all the very best for the year ahead!

Woodlea Junior School

Useful Links

Family Lives

Family Lives provides targeted early intervention and crisis support to families. If you need to talk, we're here to listen.


For more info please visit their website at:

HCRG School Nursing Team

New messaging service launched for Parents of 5-19 year olds in Lancashire:


HCRG Care Group has introduced a quick and easy way for parents/guardians to get in touch with the School Nursing service.


From 18th September 2023 parents and carers of children aged 5-19 in our area can send a message, anonymously if they wish, to the School Nursing Team to get confidential help and advice about a range of health concerns, including health, sexual health, relationships, alcohol and drugs and bullying. This joins our ChatHealth text messaging service which is for young people aged 11-19 years.


Further information about the service can be found at or go to to start a chat with the local messaging service.


The messaging service will be available Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays from 9am to 5pm When a message is sent to the dedicated number (07312263554) an automated reply confirms the message has been received. A trained healthcare professional will reply to the message during office hours within 24 working hours at most. This is not an emergency service. Urgent help should be sought from an NHS walk-in centre or by calling NHS 111. In an emergency, dial 999 or go to A&E.


The Lancashire ParentLine messaging service will be run by HCRG Care Group and powered by the award-winning messaging platform, ChatHealth, which has been widely implemented at several NHS Trusts and healthcare organisations across the UK. It was developed by 2013 by an NHS Trust to offer more choice in how people can get help from local trained health staff in their area. In other areas where it is used young people say they feel more comfortable talking about their issues in a discreet message, whilst parents and carers say messaging is more convenient way to ask quick questions.


Please see above our digital Leaflets for Chat Health for young people aged 11-19 years old and Lancashire ParentLine for parents of 5-19 years

Community Network & Outreach Service

Information from the National Sleep Helpline

Family Learning with Lancashire Adult Learning College

* Link to current and future Family courses can be found here:

Dental Health Advice for Parents

Advice sheet for treating headlice

  Additional ‘tips’ for treating headlice from the school health team:

  • metal comb instead of plastic. (finer)
  • Check and re-check hair.
  • Treatments can be obtained free of charge if parents sign up for the minor aliments scheme at a participating pharmacy e.g Tesco, Leyland
  • Headlice Prevention spray which can be obtained from B and M/Home Bargains etc for a couple of pounds and is basically tea tree oil as the base. There is very little evidence to support that this deters headlice but then again there is very little evidence conducted relating to headlice - some parents have found it to be beneficial when used daily.
  • Hair to be tied up! Anyone with hair longer than shoulder length hair I would advise should be in plaits or a bun/pinned up to best avoid headlice transfer because even if hair is in a ponytail this will still potentially touch other children's hair during play.
  • Any dressing up clothes/hats to be washed regularly
  • Winter hats - lice can live for 24 hours off the host so if winter hats are stored in the same box it is possible for these to transfer to other children.

Useful Websites:


If you are a parent or carer, we hope you will find the web links below useful.
