On behalf of all the team at Woodlea, I would like to wish you all the very best for the year ahead!

Woodlea Junior School


Bonjour at bienvenue!

Orangutans, we are into your final term at Woodlea! There have been a few glitches along the way but you have all been amazing this year! You have continued to show that you are incredibly resilient, persevering and determined and as a result you have made excellent progress in all areas! 


Mrs Astbury is Orangutans class teacher this year with Mrs Smith and Miss Eccles supporting our learning. You will also see Mrs Stableford Miss Wilson helping out on some afternoons too!

At the start of the summer term, we read Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, the classic children's text. From this, we sent the Potts family off on new adventures including a visit to Cadbury's World and a trip to the zoo that nearly ended in disaster! 


Maths No Problem has been going brilliantly in Orangutans class and the children are thoroughly enjoying being hands on with their learning, using concrete materials and learning new mathematical ideas!

In terms of our topic work, for the Summer term, we will be continuing with our big question ‘Leyland, what did you do in the war?’ Looking at all things World War II and in particular, the effect it had on Leyland. 


Please ensure you continue to check your child's SeeSaw account regularly. We will be sharing updates, letters and our work via this platform. Due to the current guidance, our open door policy is restricted but if you have any concerns, please message via SeeSaw and Mrs Astbury will be able to assist you!


We thank you for your continued support and look forward to the rest of the year together!



As a school we are continuing to set online homework. In Year 6 homework will be set on a Friday and due in the following Friday. 


Homework club for Year 6 is on a Tuesday afternoon until 4.05pm. You do not need to sign your child up for homework club. 


Homework due Friday 25th June


Spelling Shed - Complete the 5 games on the Y5/6 word list. 


TTRockstars - Compete in the boys vs girls battle. Score at least 200 points. 


Reading - make sure you have read 4 times during the week. Get your reading record signed and bring it in on Friday!



Other clubs


In the Spring term, you were asked to sign your child up for one of the three extra after school clubs we are offering to Year 6.


They are on Thursdays after school, starting on Thursday 15th April. We have Board Games with Mrs Astbury, Rugby with Mr McCracken and Multi-Sports with Mr Scott. 

Our Assembly Awards Winners

Alternative Sports Day - Rounders Tournament

Our WWII visit from the Lancashire Museums Service

Orangutan’s Endangered Animals Project Homework

Our Tudor archeological dig

Football and Healthy Eating

Meet the teacher

Still image for this video
A video from the Oranguatans staff team for our parents and families.



Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday. Please make sure your child’s PE kit is in school. If they are bringing an outdoor kit, this will also need to stay in school. 



Your child will be sent home with a reading book and their reading record on a Monday. This needs to come into school on the Friday of that week. Across the school we expect children to read four times each week. The reading records will be checked every Friday and any books brought back will be quarantined until Monday of the following week. 

If your child has access to Reading Plus this counts towards their total but please continue to sign their reading record. 
