On behalf of all the team at Woodlea, I would like to wish you all the very best for the year ahead!

Woodlea Junior School

Class Information


Your child will have their own reading book and reading record book. This book comes home each night and is returned to school the following day.  Pupils are expected to read 3 times a week minimum and have their record signed by an adult.

It will be extremely beneficial to your child’s reading development to have a conversation about what they have read.

Guided Reading

This will take place on a daily basis in class. Your children will be taught skills for effective reading so that they can apply these skills to independent reading. Each group will work with an adult once a week. During other sessions, they will complete a range of independent tasks which develop their skills.


Children will have daily mental maths lessons, where they will work on the ability to recall lots of different number facts. All children in year 5 are expected to know all of their times tables facts up to 12 x 12. We use an app called Hit The Button for developing times tables skills and corresponding division facts and this is accessible for free online. It would be invaluable for you child to practise their times tables at home too.


This will be given out on a Wednesday and returned the following Tuesday.  All children are expected to complete and hand their homework in on time. A paper copy will be in your child’s homework book and a digital version will be updated on the class website weekly. Homework will be on a rota, one week will be paper homework to be completed in their books and the following week they will have homework set online to complete using Purple Mash and Mathletics.

For children who struggle to complete homework at home, there is a weekly homework club that children, and parents, are invited to. There will be iPads and laptops available in addition to teaching assistants. It is not essential that you attend on a weekly basis, just when it is appropriate for you and your child to help complete their homework.


Children will be streamed in to a spelling group that reflects their current spelling ability. They will be given up to 10 spellings per week to learn at home for a spelling test the following week. Spellings will be given out on a Thursday and the following Thursday, they will be tested on the spellings. It is vital that your child understands the meaning of the word in addition to how to spell the word.

