We have had a very busy and exciting start to the new school year. There has been some amazing activities taking place leading to our children learning lots!

Woodlea Junior School


Welcome to Rhino Class

Welcome back to Woodlea and a huge well done to all our children for settling into Year 4 brilliantly. We hope you have all had an amazing break! Well done to all the children for their effort, commitment and dedication during our endangered animal fundraiser and many thanks to the parents/guardians who kindly donated. We can already tell you this is going to be a fantastic year and we will have so much fun in Year 4! Mrs Younis is the class teacher for this year, supported by Mrs Stableford.


This term in our English sessions, we will be exploring the story of the Loch Ness Monster. First, we will be working towards writing our own fiction adventure narrative based on the Loch Ness. Then, we will move onto our non-fiction text, writing a magazine article reporting information about the Loch Ness Monster. For our maths sessions, we will be following the Maths No Problem scheme of work and we will begin by looking at numbers to 10,000 and place value. Mental maths will take place daily every morning and the children will be focusing on fluent in five.


Our wider curriculum topic for the Autumn Term will focus on Ancient Greece. During our history and geography lessons, we will be studying, analysing and investigating what life was like in Ancient Greece and how Greek life and achievements have influenced our western world. We will outline some of the Greeks greatest achievements!


PE lessons will take place on a Monday and a Friday each week. Please ensure your child has the correct kit (red Woodlea t-shirt, plain black shorts and pumps). Outdoor kit is also encouraged (black tracksuit top, black pants and trainers). Kits will be kept in school until half term.


All updates, letters and homework will be shared via your child's SeeSaw account. Children will have received their home learning codes. Details of how to access this can be found in the back of your child's reading record. We also have a class Twitter page, please follow us: @classRhinos


Homework will be set on a Friday to be completed by the following Friday. It will be set online, through SeeSaw. Homework Club will take place on Tuesdays until 4.15pm, where children will have the opportunity to access iPads and staff support. In addition to homework set, children must read at least 4 times per week. It can be a combination of books and Reading Plus. Books will go home on a Friday to be returned the following Friday. Reading records must be signed by an adult.


Scroll down and take a look at what we get up to in Rhino Class. 

Ancient Greek Archaeological Dig!

TTROCKSTARS and Reading Plus Awards

Endangered Animal Fundraiser!


Young Governors

Reader Leaders
