On behalf of all the team at Woodlea, I would like to wish you all the very best for the year ahead!

Woodlea Junior School

Snow Leopards

Whilst lockdown is still in place, we are continuing to complete our learning online. 


I am very proud of the effort and the resilience the Snow Leopards have put into their online learning so far, so well done to each and every one of you. 


We have started new topics, just not in the way originally planned! We are now looking at Space and The Early Islamic Cililisation: The Golden Age. We are continuing with our Maths and English in an adapted way to suit home learning with all of our tasks being online. 


To be a successful home-learner, you must make sure you have all your log in details for Spelling Shed, Reading Plus, TTRockstars, Seesaw and Athletics. 


Times are tricky at the moment, for everybody, so if you would like any help or support with anything, please remember that I am still here!


Stay safe everyone and hope to see you all soon! 


Miss Evans and Miss Wilson

Just some of our amazing home learning!

Welcome to the Snow Leopards class page for 2019/20. 

This year, Miss Evans is the class teacher and Miss Wilson is the teaching assistant. 


On this page you will find lots of information and photographs about each half term and what we have been learning about including photographs of our work and activities. 


If you have any questions about anything to do with the Snow Leopards class, please don't hesitate to book an appointment with Miss Wilson or Miss Evans, or drop in before the school bell rings in the morning, or after the school bell rings at the end of the day.

Please follow us on Twitter: @SnowWoodlea for lots of updates!  


I look forward to meeting you all throughout the year! 
