I hope that you are all having a good Summer break and are looking forward to the year ahead. I am particularly looking forward to welcoming our new children to Woodlea and developing our school family further. We start back on Tuesday 3rd September when the gates will open at 8.45 am. Please use the designated entrances: Y3 /. 4 on Woodlea Road and Y5 / 6 on the school driveway. Mrs Shorrocks

Woodlea Junior School


Good bye Orangutans!

I can't believe that it is time for you all to leave Woodlea. The opportunities that you have experienced throughout your time at Woodlea will prepare you for your time at high school.

You have all worked hard and should be very proud of everything that you have achieved, I know that I am proud of each and every one of you!

We've been Vikings and Normans; we've faced the witch in Macbeth; we've built sandcastles  at Formby;  we've faced our fears at Robinwood and walked for miles in our locality and we've done it with smiles on our faces.

I wish you all the very best for the future.

Mrs Strickland

Welcome to Orangutans' Class

In Orangutans' class Mrs Strickland is the class teacher and the Teaching Assistant is Mrs Stableford.


In Summer term we will be learning about seaside holidays in the past. We will be finding out about the developments that led to holidays becoming more popular and how holidays in the past differ from what they are like today. We will be learning about coastal geography and considering our impact upon the changing coastline of Britain. Later in the term we will be undertaking a 'Coastal clean-up' Lego Mindstorms programming challenge. In English we will be writing stories that include a 'flash-back' to the past and also a newspaper report, this will all be based around the sinking of the Titanic. In Maths we are developing our skills in reasoning and arithmetic in readiness for our SATs tests.

Clitheroe castle 

On 19th February we took a trip to Clitheroe Castle, where we re-enacted the Battle of Hastings, handled weapons from the period and learnt about the design of a Motte and Bailey castle.




Reading Question Suggestions

Clitheroe Castle

What a fantastic day we have had today (Monday 19th February).  We visited the beautiful Clitheroe Castle.  During the day we re-enacted the events that led up to The Battle of Hastings in 1066.  We built our own (miniature) Motte and Bailey Castles, studied the different types of armour that the vikings, Anglo-Saxons and Normans wore and built an armour for a hard boiled egg.

Heart Start

On Thursday 11th January, the Sports Development Team came in to work with us.  They taught us how to put a patient into the recovery position and also how to perform CPR.

Christmas Project Homework

Thank you Jacob and Nyah for these fantastic Rice Crispie Christmas Puddings and Marshmallow Snowmen. Also to Cameron for our count down to Christmas and biscuits.  Thank you Mia for the tree decorations.  Thank you to Ruby and her Nan for making us the delicious Rudolf cake.

Brockholes Wild Nature Reserve

We had a fantastic day at Brockholes Nature Reserve.  We built our own shelters, made fire and went pond dipping.  At the end of the day, we even had the chance to toast marshmallows.

Class Assembly

During our class assembly we had the opportunity to show off the our parents, and the rest of the school, just how busy we have been over the last 8 weeks.  I don't think we realised just how much work we had done.  Miss Wilson and Mrs Strickland were very proud of us as we wrote the script independently and delivered the assembly with confidence.  Thank you to all of the adults that were able to come and watch us.
