We have had a very busy and exciting start to the new school year. There has been some amazing activities taking place leading to our children learning lots!

Woodlea Junior School


Our vision for Music at Woodlea

Our Music curriculum at Woodlea has been divided into 6 sections: Listen, respond and compare; Revise and innovate; Notation vocabulary; Notation application; Composition and Performance. This is based from ‘Charanga’. This ensures that there is a wide range of music being accessed to ensure music is an enjoyable learning experience.



At Woodlea we believe Music is planned to engage and inspire pupils to develop a love for music and their talent as musicians. Children will grow to increase their confidence, creativity and control in all areas of music. All of our children are given the opportunity to listen, innovate, understand, compose and perform music.



Each year group are immersed in 3 different genres of music.

Year 6 is slightly different. They have one genre of music in the Autumn term and then concentrate on a musical for the remaining two terms. This then leads up to a final performance to end their journey with us at Woodlea. We are also very fortune to have the Lancashire Music team in teaching our Year 4’s how to play the ukulele. It’s all very exciting.  

Summer Term Music

Linking reading to Music and learning about some famous Musicians.

Lancashire School’s Dance Competition

Our Woodlea Choir who took part in the Last Choir Singing heats at Marine Hall in Fleetwood

Jambe Drumming

Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Jazz Day November 18th

This year Jazz day is welcoming young vocalists as well and will be overseen by our fantastic new lead in Jazz and director of the LSJO- Sam French. 


String Day November 19th

String day launched our endangered double bass project last year and we are happy to say this has been a great success. This year String Day will be led by LYSO Violin tutor Jonathan Hoyle and he will be supported by David Aspin, Principal Viola of Opera North! 


 All are welcome!


Sign ups below and posters attached!

Music in Chorley and how to join.

Ukulele 2023

Ukulele Lessons with Lancashire Music Team.

Progression in Music at Woodlea

Within each of these music topics, the children concentrate on building their skills to play the recorder and the glockenspiel.


Vocabulary is also a driving force to understanding music so we have introduced musical notation alongside musical vocabulary. This is fed throughout the year groups to allow children a deeper understanding to each genre of music.


Musical Vocabulary

Year 3

Pulse – the regular heartbeat of the music; its steady beat.

Pitch – high and low sounds.


Year 4

Tempo – the speed of the music; fast or slow or in-between.

Dynamics – how loud or quiet the music is.


Year 5

Texture – layers of sound. Layers of sound working together make music very interesting to listen to.

Structure – every piece of music has a structure e.g. an introduction, verse and chorus ending.


Year 6

Rhythm – long and short sounds or patterns that happen over the pulse.

Timbre – all instruments, including voices, have a certain sound quality e.g. the trumpet has a very different sound quality to the violin.

We have regular whole school singing assemblies each week and we all look forward to our annual festive singing celebration for Christmas at St Andrews Church.



At Woodlea children will be taught to sing and play musically to the best of their ability. They will develop an understanding of musical composition, organising and manipulating ideas within musical structures. Children will be taught to understand notation and musical vocabulary. Children will gain confidence in their own knowledge of music and skills ready to move on to Secondary school.
