I hope that you are all having a good Summer break and are looking forward to the year ahead. I am particularly looking forward to welcoming our new children to Woodlea and developing our school family further. We start back on Tuesday 3rd September when the gates will open at 8.45 am. Please use the designated entrances: Y3 /. 4 on Woodlea Road and Y5 / 6 on the school driveway. Mrs Shorrocks

Woodlea Junior School


Party Time!

Multi Faith Week at Woodlea

The Gorillas participated in the Multi Faith week, where they learned about the Sikhism religion. They examined the founding of the Sikh tradition and some of it's spiritual leaders. The content focus was on God and there were lots of opportunities provided for the Gorillas to ask questions, especially when the visitors came during the week. The children had an amazing time and they were capable of asking important questions about religion and beliefs and find out answers. The Gorillas were able to identify how religion is expressed in different ways and how everyone is a unique individual. Take a look at what took place!

Manchester Museum Trip

Our theme work this half term was all about Magnets and Forces and we felt that a trip to the Museum would provide the children with an excellent experience of hands on learning. Whilst at the Museum, the children specifically learned about Forces and Flight through an interaction show. Take a look at what took place!!

Science Week!

The Gorillas researched the importance of light and shadows. They recognised that they need light in order to see things and that dark is the absence of light. They also noticed that light is reflected from surfaces and that the sun can be dangerous and that there are ways to protect their eyes. They identified that shadows are formed when the light from a light source is blocked by a solid object and they created some shadow puppets to show this clearly!


The Gorillas have worked exceptionally hard during the Spring term! They looked at different rocks and identified why volcanoes erupt and what happens when a volcano erupts! They all created a Volcano as part of their project homework! Take a look at some of the volcanoes!



Autumn 2

The Gorillas have had an amazing term at Woodlea, they have all matured massively and shown great enthusiasm towards their learning at school. They have worked very hard in all of their subjects. Take a look at some of the brilliant work that has taken place this term!



Christmas party

The Gorillas had a fantastic Christmas party. Take a look at all the fun games and dances that took place!


Spelling stars!

Spelling stars this term are Emilia Monk, Lily Wiltshire, Sophie Sharples, Kayleigh Calderbank, Jessica Slater and Aaron Yates! 

All the spelling stars have managed to achieve the highest scores in their weekly spelling tests!

Welcome To Gorillas!


We have Mrs Younis, who is the class teacher and Mrs Hafiz, who is the teaching assistant working in the Gorilla class. We believe that the key to success is by showing commitment, enthusiasm, hard work, acting as a good role model and by persevering.

The Gorilla class have settled in at Woodlea Junior School and we are very proud to see the children thoroughly engaged and enjoying their learning. 


Endangered Animal

The first project homework of the new school year was to produce a creative structure or model, relating to the endangered animal of their class. The Gorillas created some wonderful project homework pieces!


Star Readers - Autumn 1 2016

Sophie Sharples and Aaron Yates!

Well done to our fantastic star readers this term, they have read at least 4 times or more per week since the start of term and have managed to receive the most leaves on the magic reading tree. An outstanding effort, well done again.


Spelling Stars!

A great big well done to all those children, who received full marks for their spellings since the start of term. Another amazing effort!



Parents Evening

THANK YOU to all of those parents, who attended parents evening. It was lovely to see so many faces and lovely to meet you all! The Gorillas have worked exceptionally hard this term and have made great progress towards their learning and have shown positive behaviour. well done Gorillas!


The Gorillas had a fantastic and a very interesting week, researching all the different ways in which they could help REDUCE the environment in which they live.They discussed the importance of reducing food packaging, general waste and how saving water and electricity would help save the environment. They created many different posters and rehearsed a class poem based on REDUCE! After this they considered and created their own carbon footprints and traced the outline of their feet, where they wrote their own pledge to help save the environment!



