I hope that you are all having a good Summer break and are looking forward to the year ahead. I am particularly looking forward to welcoming our new children to Woodlea and developing our school family further. We start back on Tuesday 3rd September when the gates will open at 8.45 am. Please use the designated entrances: Y3 /. 4 on Woodlea Road and Y5 / 6 on the school driveway. Mrs Shorrocks

Woodlea Junior School

Fencing Assembly

The children all attanded a 'Fencong Assembly'. Wayne, who delivered the assembly, was promoting a club which he will be running in schoolafter Christmas. There were many volunteers to help him show the rest of the school some basics! The club will run from 16th January for 4 weeks and costs £20. Children have this opportunity annually and feedback in the past has been extremely positive.