On behalf of all the team at Woodlea, I would like to wish you all the very best for the year ahead!

Woodlea Junior School

Thanks and further clarification re Homework

Dear Parents,


Thank you to those that attended the parent Task Group yesterday afternoon. There were many positive comments, however there are a few areas that needed clarification. 


ICT and Written homework will be sent home on alternate weeks.

Within the children’s section on the school website, there is a section for each year group’s homework. This will state clearly the day that homework is set and when it is expected back.

After clicking on your year group’s homework, there will be a copy of the proforma stating clearly what is expected that the children complete; whether it is ICT or book based.

Each week a new document will be uploaded.

English and Maths work will not be open ended, it will be supporting work that has taken place in class.


Effort Club

Effort Club takes place daily and has a focus on presentation and handwriting; underlining titles, dates, LOs, basic errors including capital letters, full stops, spellings and basic errors that are expected of children at their age.

Effort Club will NOT be used for completing unfinished work or for not reading at home.



As a school we do send out a lot of letters, all of which often do not make it home. I currently put copies of newsletters on the school’s website. From January, I would like all letters to be emailed to parents and for them to be uploaded to the school’s website.

Can you please complete the form below, printing clearly your email address.


Thank you for your continued support.



Name of Child _____________________________________ Class __________________


I would like to receive letters by email. My email address is __________________________


Signed _______________________________________
