On behalf of all the team at Woodlea, I would like to wish you all the very best for the year ahead!

Woodlea Junior School

Updates re possible reopening to y6 children.

Friday 29th May 2020


Dear Parents,


As of Wednesday 27th May, Lancashire County Council have advised their schools not to reopen to more children from 1st June. This is because, in their assessment, they do not currently meet all five of the government's tests in Lancashire.


As a school we had already made the decision that we would not reopen before 8th June due to our own risk assessments.


As I stated last week, I would contact the parents who have decided to send their children back to school on Wednesday 3rd June with more details.  At this stage we are not able to make the decision to open safely until the local situation changes.


I assure you that this is being reviewed with governors, based on current national and local guidance and advice. 


Thank you once again to all of our families for your continued support during these times.


Kindest Regards



Jillian Shorrocks

