On behalf of all the team at Woodlea, I would like to wish you all the very best for the year ahead!

Woodlea Junior School

Year 6 - Clitheroe Castle Letter

Year 6 trip to Clitheroe Castle



Dear Parent/Carer,


We have organised a trip to Clitheroe Castle for year 6 on Friday February 24th.


The trip is to support the children’s learning next half term when we will be learning about the events surrounding the Norman invasion of Britain in 1066.


Whilst at the castle, the children will take part in a series of workshops to help them better understand the topic. The workshops include:


  • Exploring the battles leading up to and including the Battle of Hastings through drama and


  • Handling replica weapons, armour and equipment of a Norman, Saxon and Viking warrior.
  • Investigating the defensive structures shown in the construction of Clitheroe Castle.
  • Exploring the importance of armour in protecting ‘Sir Egbert’ from a big drop!


Travel will be by coach (Holmeswood coaches) leaving school at 9:10am and returning to school by 3:10pm.


We are asking for contributions towards the cost of the trip (including workshops and travel) of £9.30 to be paid by Tuesday 21st February. If sufficient donations are not raised, the visit will not take place.


Your child will require a ‘disposable’ packed lunch. If your child is in receipt of free school meals, they will be supplied with a school packed lunch (please indicate on the tear off slip if you would prefer your child to bring a packed lunch from home)


Many thanks for your continued support,


Mr. Payne, Mrs. Whitehall and Mrs. Strickland