Welcome to Tiger Class
What a great Autumn Term in Tiger Class, we are so impressed with how well the children have settled in. Well done to all the children for their efforts this term and many thanks to all of the Parents/Carers for their continued support. This is already an amazing year! Mrs Wilcock is the class teacher for this year, supported by Mrs Stableford.
This half term in English, we read the folk tale 'King Midas and the Golden Touch'. We worked towards writing our own folk tales with the theme 'be careful what you wish for'. After that, we created our own discussion texts, debating whether or not children should have mobile phones. During the Spring Term, we will be exploring the fantasy story 'The Firework Maker's Daughter' and we will be writing our own fantasy stories. Then, we will be working towards writing persuasive adverts.
For maths, we follow the Maths No Problem scheme of work and we began the year by looking at counting, place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. During the Spring Term, we will be continuing to work on multiplication and division. In addition, we will be working on graphs, fractions and time. We would encourage parents/carers to be taking about the time with their children as much as possible during the Spring Term in both digital and analogue forms. Mental maths will also take place daily.
Our wider curriculum topic for the Autumn Term focused on Ancient Greece and Europe. During our History and Geography lessons, we investigated what life was like in Ancient Greece and how Greek life and achievements have influenced the western world. During the Spring Term, our focus will be The Romans. We will be exploring when the Romans were in Britain and the legacy that they left on our empire.
PE lessons will take place on Monday afternoons and Tuesday mornings. Please ensure your child has the correct kit (red Woodlea t-shirt, plain black shorts and plain black pumps). Outdoor kit is also encouraged (plain black tracksuit top, plain black tracksuit pants and trainers).
Updates, letters and homework will be shared via your child's SeeSaw account. Details of how to access this can be found in the back of your child's reading record. We also have a class Twitter page, please follow us: @TigerClassWJS
Homework will be set on a Friday to be completed by the following Friday. It will be set online, through SeeSaw. Homework club will take place on Tuesdays after school until 4:15pm, where children will have the opportunity to access iPads and staff support. In addition to homework set, children must read at least 4 times per week. This should be a combination of books and Reading Plus. Books will go home on a Friday to be returned by the following Friday. Reading records must be signed by an adult.
Scroll down for a glimpse of what we get up to in Tiger Class!