On behalf of all the team at Woodlea, I would like to wish you all the very best for the year ahead!

Woodlea Junior School


Welcome to Spring 1 in 3G at Woodlea Juniors. I can’t tell you how much of a privilege it is to be your little Gorillas teacher. We have a jam packed curriculum planned for this term that will enrich and enhance your child’s learning. We  promise to work extremely hard, showing dedication and perseverance towards new challenges that come our way. You will be astounded by their growth over this term, as they continue to make the transition from infants to juniors. Both Mrs Quinn and I will be guiding them through this change and enjoying every moment as they blossom into confident members of Woodlea. They will be guaranteed a good day, with Quinn and O’Shea. 


In our English unit we will continue our writing development, as we explore fables. Using talk for writing, the children will develop the skills to write their own story with a moral. Within Maths, we will be learning with Maths No Problem. Our daily lessons begin with mental maths retrieval and then explorer tasks. Children develop skills in exploring problems using key vocabulary, visual representations and explaining how they know what they know. We will begin this term looking at multiplication and division, learning key vocabulary of grouping and sharing to help us understand mathematical concepts. In science we will be beginning our forces unit. Children will explore science with a question in mind, constantly developing their understanding of the forces around them. In History, we will be travelling back in time to Bronze and Iron Age Britain, we will have a special visit from a blacksmith, who will help us to create some arrow heads for our Iron Age spears.
Our project homework will be on Stonehenge, this will give the children a fantastic opportunity to learn all about one of the world’s most well-known ancient wonders.



We look forward to sharing our learning with you over the term, please keep an eye on our twitter and class page for pictures and updates.


Thank you for your support.  If you have any queries or questions, please don't hesitate to contact the school office. 

Rebecca Dickinson is our Class Governor 

Weekly Homework

Big Work Weekly Award

Headteacher’s Award

TT Rock Stars

Reading Plus

Pupil Voice Elections

Reads for Trees - Woodlea’s Reading Culture

Computing Whizz Kids - Touch Typing & Editing

STEM - Bridge Building

Science In Action - Forces

Science in Action -Healthy Bodies

Athletics - Ribble Sports Partnership

PE - Developing Invasion Games Skills

Music - Djembe

Deepening Our Mathematical Minds

MacMillan Coffee Morning
