We have had a very busy and exciting start to the new school year. There has been some amazing activities taking place leading to our children learning lots!

Woodlea Junior School


Welcome to Orangutans!

This year, we will be taught by Mrs Hellon and supported by Mrs Smith and Mrs Beaumont. You can stay up to date with all Orangutans' activity here and on our class page on X too. 


Autumn Term

Our Autumn Term maths topics will revolve around place value, number and the four main operations of calculation: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. In English, we will be writing biographies about William Shakespeare before moving onto our narrative fiction unit, based upon the play Macbeth. Throughout the wider curriculum, we will be studying the First World War in history, mountains in geography, Christianity and Hinduism in RE, carving in art, Scratch programming in computing, as well as invasion games in our PE.


Homework Expectations

Homework expectations are as follows: 3 Reading Pluses at 80% or above, as well as 1 read in reading books, 10 games of garage and studio on TT Rockstars and the set Spelling Shed list each week.

Our weekly award winners

Golf Day

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Our animal fundraiser

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